Quoting Software

What Is Quoting Software?

Quoting software is a powerful tool designed to streamline and enhance the sales process for businesses across various industries. It is a digital platform that empowers sales teams to quickly and efficiently generate accurate and professional quotes or estimates for potential customers. By automating the quoting process, this software eliminates manual errors, ensures consistency in pricing and product information, and ultimately improves the overall sales cycle.

Quote software typically includes features such as product catalogs, pricing databases, customizable templates, and integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, allowing sales representatives to respond to inquiries swiftly, negotiate deals, and close sales with confidence. This technology saves time and resources and provides a competitive edge by presenting prospects with polished, personalized quotes, fostering trust and enhancing the customer experience.


  • Quote software
  • Quotation software
  • Product quoting software
  • Quote builder
  • Quoting tool
  • Sales quote software

How Quoting Software Helps Small, Mid-Size, and Enterprise Businesses

Quoting software isn’t just for big companies. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from the efficiency and accuracy it brings to the sales process. For small businesses, quoting software can be a game-changer. It eliminates the need for manual calculations and cobbled-together spreadsheets, reducing errors and saving valuable time. This allows small sales teams to focus on building relationships with potential customers and closing deals.

Mid-sized businesses often juggle complex product offerings and fluctuating pricing models. Quoting software can handle these intricacies with ease, ensuring consistent and accurate quotes go out the door. It also streamlines data management, keeping customer information and product details organized and readily accessible. Enterprise-level companies benefit from the scalability and automation features of quoting software. They can handle high volumes of quotes efficiently while ensuring compliance with internal pricing rules and regulations. Additionally, advanced features like e-signatures can expedite approvals and get deals signed faster. In short, quoting software empowers businesses of all sizes to streamline their sales process, close deals faster, and ultimately, boost their bottom line.

Why B2B Businesses Rely on Sales Quote Software

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of B2B selling, sales quote software has emerged as a fundamental asset for businesses looking to thrive in the market. One of the primary reasons why B2B businesses rely on sales quote software is its ability to expedite the quoting process. Generating accurate and detailed quotes manually can take time, leading to delays in responding to potential clients and potentially losing valuable business opportunities. Sales quote software automates this process, empowering sales teams to swiftly create customized quotes with accurate pricing, product configurations, and discounts. By reducing the time spent on administrative tasks, sales reps can focus more on building strong customer relationships and closing deals, resulting in increased sales efficiency and revenue growth.

Furthermore, B2B transactions often involve complex pricing structures and negotiations based on customer requirements and volume discounts. Sales quote software ensures pricing accuracy and consistency, mitigating the risk of errors that could harm a company’s reputation or profitability. With access to up-to-date product information and real-time pricing calculations, sales representatives can confidently present quotes to clients, demonstrating professionalism and a deep understanding of the customer’s needs. This strengthens customer trust and streamlines the sales cycle, leading to faster deal closures and improved overall sales performance. In the data-driven world of B2B, sales quote software provides valuable insights and analytics, enabling businesses to continuously refine their strategies, optimize pricing models, and stay ahead of the competition.

How Quote Software Improves Sales and Grows Revenue

Product quoting software has succeeded in helping sales organizations streamline their quoting processes and increase sales efficiency. Below we explore the benefits quote software provides sales teams and deal stakeholders.

Faster Quote Generation: Quote software accelerates the process of generating accurate quotes, enabling sales teams to respond to customer inquiries promptly. This reduces the sales cycle and increases the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Accurate Pricing: By integrating with pricing databases and product catalogs, sales quote software ensures that sales representatives provide accurate and up-to-date pricing information to customers. This minimizes the risk of errors and potential conflicts, leading to smoother negotiations and improved customer satisfaction.

Consistency in Branding and Messaging: Quote software allows companies to create and use standardized templates, ensuring consistency in branding and messaging across all quotes. This professionalism enhances the company’s reputation and builds trust with customers.

Upselling Opportunities: With a comprehensive product catalog and relevant cross-selling suggestions, sales reps can easily identify and present upselling opportunities to customers during the quoting process. This boosts revenue by encouraging customers to consider higher-value products or services.

Customization and Personalization: Quote software enables sales reps to personalize quotes based on customer needs and preferences. By tailoring the offerings to specific requirements, companies can increase the likelihood of closing deals successfully.

Real-Time Collaboration: Many quote software solutions allow teams to collaborate in real time, enabling sales managers and team members to provide immediate support and guidance to reps during negotiations. This collaboration fosters a more cohesive and efficient sales process.

Analytics and Insights: Sales quote software often has built-in analytics and reporting features, providing valuable insights into sales performance and quoting trends. Companies can leverage this data to identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize their sales strategy.

Integration with CRM Systems: Integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems ensures that all quote-related data is seamlessly synchronized with customer records. This holistic view of customer interactions helps build stronger relationships and identify potential high-value prospects.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Streamlined and personalized quoting processes improve the customer experience. A positive buying experience can lead to customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals, ultimately contributing to revenue growth.

Quicker Deal Closure: The efficiency and professionalism enabled by quote software contribute to faster deal closures. With seamless and hassle-free quoting experiences, customers are more likely to move forward with a purchase decision, driving revenue growth for the company.

Features of Advanced Quoting Tools

Advanced sales quoting tools offer a wide range of features to optimize the quoting process and enhance sales effectiveness. Some of these features include:

Product Catalog Management: A comprehensive product catalog that allows sales representatives to access and present detailed information about products and services, including specifications, pricing, and availability.

Configurable Quote Templates: Customizable quote templates that enable sales reps to create professional and branded quotes with ease, ensuring consistency in formatting and messaging.

Pricing Rules and Discount Management: Advanced quoting tools can handle complex pricing structures and discounting rules, automating the calculation of discounts based on predefined criteria.

CRM Integration: Seamless integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems to synchronize quote data, customer information, and sales history, providing a holistic view of customer interactions.

Real-Time Collaboration: Built-in collaboration features that allow sales teams to work together in real time, seeking guidance from managers or subject matter experts during the quoting process.

Quoting Analytics: Robust analytics and reporting capabilities that provide insights into quote performance, conversion rates, and sales trends, helping businesses make data-driven decisions to improve their sales strategy.

E-Signature Integration: Electronic signatures facilitate the digital signing of quotes, making it convenient for customers to accept and finalize deals online.

Mobile Quoting: Mobile-friendly interfaces or dedicated mobile apps that enable sales representatives to create and send quotes on the go, enhancing responsiveness and agility in sales interactions.

Workflow Automation: Automated workflows that guide sales reps through the quoting process, ensuring all necessary steps are followed and reducing the chance of errors or omissions.

Quote Versioning: The ability to create and track multiple versions of quotes for the same opportunity, making it easier to manage negotiations and compare different offers.

Approval Workflows: Configurable approval processes that route quotes to the appropriate stakeholders for review and authorization, ensuring compliance with company policies and pricing guidelines.

Multi-Currency and Multi-Language Support: Capability to handle quotes in different currencies and languages to cater to global customers and international markets.

Integration with CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) Systems: Integration with CPQ solutions for complex quoting scenarios, such as configuring customizable products or bundling multiple offerings.

Analytics-Driven Upselling: AI-powered upselling recommendations based on customer data, suggesting relevant additional products or services to increase deal value.

Security and Access Control: Advanced security features to protect sensitive quote data and implement role-based access control to ensure that only authorized personnel can view or modify quotes.

These features collectively empower sales teams to deliver accurate, personalized, and persuasive quotes efficiently, ultimately improving sales performance and customer satisfaction.

Best Practices for Integrating a Quote Builder Into a Sales Tech Stack

Integrating a quote builder with other sales software can significantly streamline an organization’s sales process and improve overall efficiency. Here are some best practices to consider when integrating quote-building software with a company’s sales tech stack:

Define Clear Objectives

Clearly define the objectives for integrating the quote software with other sales software. Whether improving quoting speed, reducing errors, or enhancing collaboration, clearly understanding operational goals will guide the integration process.

Choose the Right Integration Platform

Select a robust integration platform that seamlessly connects the quote software with other sales tools. Common integration platforms include Zapier, Integromat, or custom APIs. Ensure the chosen platform supports the necessary triggers and actions for your integration.

Prioritize Data Accuracy

Data accuracy is crucial in sales. Ensure that data entered into the quote builder is accurately transferred to other systems. Implement data validation checks to prevent errors and regularly audit data to identify and rectify discrepancies.

Integrate with CRM Software

Integrate the quote tool with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. This ensures that customer information is consistent across platforms and enables a smoother transition from the quote to the sales process.

Automate Workflows

Leverage automation to streamline workflows. For example, automate sending quotes to customers or updating deal stages in your CRM system when a quote is accepted. Quote automation reduces manual tasks, minimizes errors, and accelerates the sales cycle.

Ensure Real-Time Updates

Aim for real-time updates between the quote builder and other sales software so team members access the latest information, promoting collaboration and preventing confusion.

User Training and Onboarding

The sales team must be trained to use the quoting tool effectively. Provide comprehensive onboarding to ensure that they understand the new processes and tools. This will help maximize adoption and minimize resistance to change.

Security and Compliance

Ensure that the integration adheres to security and compliance standards. Protect sensitive customer data and adhere to regulations such as GDPR or industry-specific requirements. Implement encryption and secure authentication methods to safeguard information.


Design the integration with scalability in mind. As a business grows, the quote software should handle increased data volumes and additional features. Choose a solution that can grow with the company.

Monitor and Optimize

Regularly monitor the performance of the quote software. Track critical metrics, gather user feedback, and continuously improve the integration for efficiency and effectiveness.

By following these best practices, sales operations teams can create a seamless and efficient integration between the quote builder and other sales software, ultimately enhancing sales processes and customer interactions.

The Difference Between Quote Software and CPQ

Quote software and CPQ software share common objectives of streamlining the quoting process and enhancing sales efficiency, but they differ significantly in their capabilities and scope. Product quoting software typically simplifies the generation of quotes or estimates for products and services. It offers features such as product catalog management, customizable quote templates, and pricing rules to facilitate quick and accurate quoting. Quote software is especially useful for businesses with straightforward product offerings and relatively simple pricing structures. It enables sales teams to respond to customer inquiries promptly, ensuring consistency in pricing and messaging, but it may lack the sophistication required for more complex sales configurations.

On the other hand, CPQ software goes beyond basic quoting functionalities to handle intricate sales scenarios. CPQ solutions handle quote-to-order or build-to-order products with multiple customizable options, features, and pricing tiers. CPQ software enables sales representatives to guide customers through the configuration process, helping them select the right product specifications and automatically calculating accurate pricing based on the chosen configurations. It also considers various dependencies and compatibility rules between different product components, ensuring that the final quote is technically feasible and feasible to produce.

CPQ software is ideal for companies with a diverse range of products, complex sales offerings, and a need for dynamic pricing based on customer choices. While quote software facilitates faster quoting for standard products, CPQ software empowers sales teams to handle highly customizable and intricate sales situations with precision.

People Also Ask

What is the difference between sales quote software and CRM?

Sales quote software and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are tools businesses use to enhance their sales and customer management processes. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct functionalities. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between the two:

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Purpose: CRM is a comprehensive system designed to manage and maintain interactions with customers, leads, and prospects throughout the entire customer lifecycle. It helps businesses build and nurture customer relationships by organizing and tracking their interactions, inquiries, purchases, and preferences.

Features: CRM platforms offer many features, including contact management, lead tracking, sales pipeline management, customer support ticketing, marketing automation, analytics, and reporting. The main focus is on managing customer data and improving customer engagement.

Functionality: CRM provides a holistic view of each customer, allowing sales teams to track their interactions, understand their needs, and provide personalized service. It helps streamline sales processes, boost customer satisfaction, and drive repeat business.

Sales Quotes: While many CRM systems have basic quoting capabilities, they are typically less robust than dedicated sales quote software. In CRM, sales quotes are often generated within the system using standardized templates and product catalogs.

Sales Quote Software

Purpose: Sales quote software is a specialized tool designed to create and manage sales quotes more effectively. Its primary function is to simplify the process of creating accurate and professional-looking quotes for prospective customers.

Features: Sales quote software focuses on generating quotes quickly and accurately. It often includes features like product catalog management, pricing configuration, quote templates, quote versioning, and e-signature integration. Some quoting software may also include built-in approval workflows.

Functionality: Sales quote software streamlines the quote creation process, making it easier for sales representatives to respond to customer inquiries promptly. It can also provide insights into quote conversion rates and deal values, helping businesses optimize their sales strategies.

CRM Integration: In many cases, sales quote software can integrate with CRM systems, allowing seamless data exchange between the two. CRM integration ensures that the quote data is accessible within the CRM and gives sales teams a complete view of their customer interactions.

Depending on a business’s specific needs, they may use one or both tools to enhance their sales and customer management efforts.

What should I include in a sales quote?

A sales quote, also known as a sales quotation or a price quote, is a formal document provided by a seller to a potential customer. It outlines the details of a proposed sale, including the products or services being offered and their respective prices. The specific components of a sales quote may vary depending on the industry and company, but here are the essential elements that should typically be included:

1. Header
2. Customer Information
3. Description of Products/Services
4. Quantities and Units
5. Pricing
6. Taxes and Fees
7. Shipping and Handling
8. Payment Terms
9. Validity Period
10. Terms and Conditions
11. Signature and Contact Details

A well-structured and professional sales quote can help build trust and confidence with potential customers and increase the likelihood of closing the sale.

How does product quoting software help SaaS companies close more deals?

Product quoting software can significantly benefit SaaS companies by streamlining the quoting process and ultimately helping to close more deals. Here are some key ways it can help:

1. Speed and Efficiency: Quoting software automates the process of creating quotes, eliminating the need for manual calculations and paperwork. This speed and efficiency can impress potential customers and help close deals faster.

2. Accuracy: By automating calculations and ensuring that all pricing information is up-to-date, quoting software reduces the risk of errors in quotes. This accuracy can instill confidence in customers and make them more likely to accept the quote.

3. Personalization: Quoting software allows for easy customization of quotes to meet the specific needs of each customer. This personalization can make the quote more compelling and increase the chances of a sale.

4. Visibility and Tracking: Quoting software provides visibility into the status of quotes and allows companies to track when quotes are opened, viewed, and accepted. This insight can help sales teams follow up at the right time and close deals more effectively.

5. Integration: Many quoting software solutions integrate with other tools used by SaaS companies, such as CRM systems and accounting software. This integration can streamline the sales process and make it easier to manage customer relationships.

Product quoting software can help SaaS companies close more deals by making the quoting process faster, more accurate, and more personalized, while also providing visibility and integration with other tools.