Brand Resources

Below are some of the design and brand guidelines for any copy written using the DealHub brand.
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Logo guidelines

The horizontal logo is the primary logo and should be used in most instances. Avoid using at small sizes, as it can become illegible. Always use the logo files provided. Do not re-create.

Using the DealHub logo

The DealHub logo will always be written in lower case. No changing of colors or modification of the font or spacing is permitted. To avoid mistakes use the link that we have provided.
DealHub Dark Purple
HEX #1b0344
DealHub Blue
HEX #3f90fc
DealHub Purple
HEX #313074
DealHub Red
DealHub Light Purple
HEX #aa7ff2
DealHub Yellow

Brand colors

The primary colors are the main colors of the brand, and are used for brand identity. The purple and red are always present in any design. The lighter colors are supportive and should bring depth and engagement to the design.
DealHub Dark Purple
HEX #1b0344
DealHub Blue
HEX #3f90fc
DealHub Purple
HEX #313074
DealHub Red
DealHub Light Purple
HEX #aa7ff2
DealHub Yellow

Typography guidelines

We unify the brand voice with standardized fonts for page layouts. Headings should always utilize Montserrat medium, and the body of text should Roboto.
Group-39040 (1)

DealHub naming usage

The DealHub brand name when written in text format ie. non-logo, should always have both the D & the H upper-case.
Group-39040 (1)


When we partner with a third party, we may use a co-branded logo. It is made up of three elements arranged from left to right: the DealHub primary brand logo, a dividing line, and the third-party logo. The logos should appear equal in size.

We allow use of our logo by third parties by specific permission only.
To request permission, please submit your request here.


Leadership photos

Here you will find a high-resolution photograph of our visionary leaders, including executives across the organization. For articles, speaking opps, or general inspiration.

We allow use of our photos by third parties by specific permission only.
To request permission, please submit your request here.


Brand details

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