Proposal Management

What is Proposal Management?

Proposal management is creating, submitting, and tracking a sales proposal or bid submitted in response to a request for proposal (RFP). It requires an organized approach to ensure that all necessary information is included in a proposal and that any changes made during the review process are tracked. 

Proposal management also includes monitoring for responses from potential customers and continuing to nurture relationships with them after the proposal has been submitted. 

Organizations can effectively manage proposals throughout their entire lifecycle to increase their chances of successfully closing deals.


  • project management for proposals
  • proposal management software
  • sales proposal process

The Proposal Management Process 

Proposal management is a project cycle used to create and submit a formal, detailed proposal to a potential client or customer.

The goal of proposal management is to ensure that all stakeholders have access to the necessary information and resources to complete the proposal process.

The Proposal Process

At its most basic, the proposal process has these elements:

  1. Request for Proposal (for businesses that respond to RFPs as the basis of their revenue) or Sales Conversation with Prospective Buyer (for companies that work directly with customers)
  2. Planning for proposal development (having the necessary people, processes, and technology in place to prepare and track proposals)
  3. Proposal writing
  4. Submittal of the proposal to potential customers

Managing the Proposal Process

Proposal management involves both strategic and tactical elements to provide an accurate proposal. The strategic aspects include understanding the customer’s needs and wants, researching comparable solutions, and developing solutions tailored to the customer. 

The tactical elements include designing the proposal’s layout, gathering sufficient evidence to back up any claims made, constructing pricing models based on estimated costs, and preparing supporting documentation such as financial forecasts, price estimates, and more.

Once a proposed solution has been developed, proposal management also ensures the proposal meets any legal requirements for submission. This includes compiling contracts, procurement documents, certifications from suppliers or vendors, and any regulatory paperwork required. 

Additionally, proposal management implements risk assessment methods so stakeholders can be aware of potential risks associated with their proposed solution.

In addition to these steps, proposal management often involves strategizing ways to increase visibility for the submitted proposal. This could include organizing pitch meetings with decision-makers within organizations to give them firsthand experience with what the company offers.

Overall, proposal management is integral to a company’s ability to generate comprehensive proposals that accurately represent its capabilities. Effective proposals make all the difference between winning or losing lucrative project bids or sales deals.

Proposal Management Best Practices

Proposal management is essential to a company’s success if they regularly respond to RFPs or sell products or services. 

A well-managed proposal process can significantly increase a company’s win rate in a competitive bidding environment. There are best practices to help manage proposals effectively and increase the chances of winning more bids or closing more deals.

Understand Proposal Requirements

To start with, good proposal management requires effective planning and an understanding of what sales proposals should include, such as the scope of work and an outline of the project’s deliverables. Additionally, setting up a timeline for project tasks will help proposal managers meet deadlines.

Streamlined Processes

Organization and efficient processes are also essential for successful proposal management. 

Creating an organized system that makes it easy to review and assign tasks will help streamline the entire process for proposal professionals and helps companies avoid delays or missed deadlines. 

Additionally, ensuring all team members involved in the proposal process have access to the same information helps keep everyone on track with their assigned tasks. 

Lastly, conducting quality assurance checks throughout the process helps guarantee proposal accuracy, so there are no issues once submitted.

Effective Communication

Another crucial aspect of proposal management is effective communication between stakeholders involved in the bidding process

Everyone should have a thorough understanding of expectations and deadlines throughout each step in the process. To keep proposals moving forward, online collaboration tools such as cloud document storage systems or video conferencing platforms allow easy access for members of the proposal department and others involved in a project.

Leverage Proposal Data

Finally, another way to improve proposal win rates is to leverage data analytics technologies such as text mining or sentiment analysis tools to help provide insights into customer preferences based on past wins and losses. 

This helps proposal teams adjust content accordingly before submitting a proposal or bid package. Additionally, gathering customer feedback after submitting proposals can provide valuable insight into where to improve the proposal process.

Ultimately, following these practices can significantly increase an organization’s win rate while allowing sales and proposal development teams to be more efficient and productive.

Proposal Management Software

Proposal management software is designed to help streamline the proposal process. Businesses, educational institutions, and other organizations use proposal management software to create, manage, and track proposals. 

It enables them to optimize the proposal creation process and ensure that all stakeholders are kept in the loop throughout the proposal life cycle. Proposal management software can also provide helpful insights into customer engagement and win rates.

Benefits of Proposal Management Software

Proposal management software helps organizations streamline their workflow with features such as template libraries, automated responses, drag-and-drop editors, spellcheckers, electronic signatures, analytics dashboards, and more. It offers teams an efficient way to collaborate on proposals in real-time with centralized storage for all files and documents related to the project.

In addition, proposal management systems can automate the process by sending notifications when deadlines are approaching or tasks have been completed.

Proposal management software benefits those dealing with a high volume of proposals or projects with complex requirements. By centralizing all data within the software, teams can easily manage their data assets while improving visibility into their processes to reduce complexity and increase efficiency. It also allows organizations to analyze large amounts of data better, enabling better decision-making while minimizing errors due to manual entry. 

In addition, proposal management software supports different levels of users, such as sales professionals tracking opportunities or executives monitoring financial performance across multiple projects simultaneously.


Proposal management systems often integrate with other systems to extend their capabilities. Below are a few of the standard integrations:


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software package designed to help businesses streamline and automate their operations. Integrating information from various departments, 

ERP helps create efficient workflows and more efficient use of resources. When ERP integrates with proposal management software, organizations can streamline the process of creating and delivering proposals by accessing all necessary data from within the ERP system.

For example, when an organization needs to bid on a project, sales teams can access financial records, customer information, and project-related documents through ERP and other related documents within the proposal management software. 

This allows companies to quickly generate comprehensive offers that include detailed financials, the scope of work details, timelines, applicable terms and conditions, and other important information.


CRM software is essential for businesses of all sizes, allowing them to manage customer relationships better and increase customer satisfaction. Proposal management software helps streamline the creation and delivery of high-quality proposals tailored to each customer. 

Combined, these two tools can provide a powerful platform for managing customer relationships and ensuring that every proposal is successful.

The primary way in which CRM software integrates with proposal management software is through the sharing of data. Bringing together critical information from both systems can create a single source of truth when understanding how customers interact with your business and their needs. This data can then inform the creation of proposals that meet those needs more effectively.

Another benefit of integrating CRM and proposal management software is increased efficiency. By sharing information between the two systems, businesses will no longer need to manually enter or collect data each time they create a proposal; instead, they can access all the relevant information in one place. 

This improved efficiency leads to cost savings and faster turnaround times on customer inquiries, helping businesses become more competitive in their respective markets.

Finally, integrating CRM and proposal management software allows businesses to track how effectively their proposals convert prospects into customers. 

This provides valuable insights into how customers respond to different types of offers and how specific features or benefits may lead to increased sales conversions. 

With this knowledge, businesses can optimize their processes and maximize their return on investment by targeting more lucrative opportunities and creating proposals tailored precisely to each prospect’s needs.


Another vital system that many companies integrate with proposal management systems is CPQ (configure-price-quote) software. CPQ is an automated solution designed to help simplify how businesses manage product configurations, pricing calculations, and quotes. 

By leveraging CPQ technology and proposal management solutions, organizations can streamline how they respond to customer requests and more efficiently generate price quotes to include in their proposals.

Integrating CPQ software with proposal management provides numerous advantages for organizations by eliminating the need for manual calculations when preparing responses to RFPs or creating quotes for prospective clients. 

This increases accuracy, reduces errors, and saves companies time responding to requests and generating sales quotes or bids.


Digital sales room (DealRoom) is a type of proposal software solution designed to help businesses manage their sales process by providing all the necessary technology, documents, and data needed to close deals. As a digital sales proposal, a DealRoom offers an easy way for clients to accept quotes, review contracts, and place orders.

Integrating digital sales room software with proposal management software allows businesses to better manage their overall proposal process from end to end. In addition, by linking the two platforms, companies can effectively track their proposals’ success. 

For example, businesses can determine how long it takes for a proposal to be accepted by a client, how often changes need to be made before being signed off on, and how many times the proposal was viewed. 

Revenue managers can then use this information to improve how the business creates and manages its sales process and customer relationships in the future.

People Also Ask

Why is proposal management important?

Proposal management is an integral part of business operations, especially for organizations that are involved in large-scale projects. It involves multiple stakeholders and requires careful planning and execution to effectively create, track and manage the proposals created for potential clients.

Effective proposal management helps organizations streamline their operations and better manage proposal preparation resources. It also helps ensure that the organization can provide its clients with comprehensive, accurate, and timely proposals.

Additionally, proposal management can help an organization save time by automating specific processes, such as writing proposals and managing deadlines. Finally, proposal management enables organizations to track their proposals’ progress and measure their success rate. This allows the organization to make the necessary adjustments and ensure that its proposals are optimized for the best results.

What are proposal management techniques for improving your win rate?

Effective proposal management techniques are essential for any organization that wants to maximize its win rate. Proposals are complex documents that require careful attention and a strategic approach to maximize the chances of success. The most effective proposal management is grounded in process-driven thinking, emphasizing collaboration and understanding the customer’s needs.

Clearly understanding the customer’s needs and wants is crucial when building a proposal. Thorough knowledge of the customer’s challenges, goals, and objectives helps create a proposal that meets their requirements. To ensure this, organizations should conduct research into their customers’ businesses and industry market trends. This allows them to create strategies that target their customer’s needs while also staying competitive. Furthermore, they can leverage these insights to develop customized solutions tailored to the customer’s specific challenges.

Collaboration is also vital to effective proposal management. As proposals often involve many stakeholders, all parties need to be on the same page about what is needed throughout the process. Having open lines of communication between all project stakeholders helps keep everyone informed and up-to-date on the proposal development progress. Additionally, organizations should strive for transparency when working on proposals. Providing the customer with updates can help foster trust and increase the chances of success of closing the deal.

Accuracy is also paramount when creating proposals. Grammatical errors, typos, or mistakes in pricing and project deliverables could have an adverse effect if they go unnoticed until too late in the submission phase. Organizations can improve accuracy by leveraging automation wherever possible. Proposal automation software can streamline proposal preparation, saving time and reducing instances of human error.