Revenue Intelligence

What is Revenue Intelligence?

Revenue intelligence is the process of understanding, managing, and using data to drive revenue growth. Revenue intelligence involves turning data into insights that can help companies make better decisions about their product, marketing, and sales strategies. In addition, it can help companies better understand their customers and identify new growth opportunities.

Revenue intelligence is relatively new, but it is quickly gaining popularity as more businesses realize the value of data-driven decision-making. While many different revenue intelligence tools and platforms are available, they all share the same goal: to help companies make more money.


  • RO&I
  • revenue operations and intelligence
  • sales intelligence
  • sales analytics

Problems Revenue Intelligence Solves

Revenue intelligence is a powerful tool to solve various problems faced by organizations, including the following:

  • Problems with leads: Organizations can identify customer behavior patterns and new leads by analyzing revenue intelligence data.
  • Problems with sales: Revenue intelligence can help organizations understand which products are selling well and which are not. It can also help pinpoint problems with the sales process. This information can be used to optimize the sales strategy.
  • Problems with marketing: Revenue intelligence data can help organizations to understand how customers interact with their brand and what marketing channels are most effective.
  • Problems with customer retention: Revenue intelligence can help organizations identify customers at risk of churning and take steps to prevent it.
  • Problems with revenue leakage: Revenue intelligence is a critical tool for preventing revenue leakage. By tracking and analyzing data related to revenue, businesses can identify potential areas of loss and take steps to mitigate them. 

This can include reducing waste, optimizing subscription management, improving pricing strategies, and increasing operational efficiency.

How Revenue Intelligence Helps Drive Sales

Revenue intelligence is critical for sales organizations looking to maximize their top-line growth by optimizing their sales pipeline and performance. By understanding the complete picture of customer interactions, including purchase history, intent signals, and account health, sales teams can target their outreach for maximum impact.

In addition, revenue intelligence provides essential insights into which accounts are most likely to close, helping sales organizations prioritize their time and resources. With a complete view of the revenue picture, sales teams can close more deals and drive greater revenue growth.

Operating Principles of Revenue Intelligence

Revenue intelligence entails understanding customer behavior, how they interact with the company’s product or service, what factors influence their purchase decisions, and using this information to inform marketing and sales strategies.

There are four key operating principles of revenue intelligence:

  1. Collect data from all sources: Revenue intelligence starts with data collection. Data can come from various sources, including website and app analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, surveys, and social media. Collecting data from as many sources as possible is essential to get a complete picture of customer behavior.
  2. Clean and consolidate data for analysis: Once data is collected, it needs to be cleaned and consolidated for analysis. This involves removing duplicates, standardizing formats, and ensuring data accuracy. Data cleansing can be time-consuming, but it’s essential for getting accurate insights.
  3. Analyze data to identify revenue opportunities: Once data is clean and consolidated, it can be analyzed to determine revenue opportunities. This may involve segmenting customers, understanding customer lifetime value, or running regression analysis. Marketing and sales leaders use insights from data analysis to inform marketing and sales strategies.
  4. Use insights to drive sales and marketing decisions: The final step is to use insights from data analysis to drive sales and marketing decisions. This may involve changing the pricing strategy, targeting new customer segments, or launching a new marketing campaign. Revenue leaders can use this data to inform decisions and improve their company’s top-line results.

Developing a Revenue Intelligence Strategy

To develop a revenue intelligence strategy, organizations can begin by determining the goals they want to achieve. Then determine the data source that will inform the decisions and action steps needed to achieve those goals. Looking at revenue streams, marketing activities, and sales processes is vital. 

The following steps are essential in developing a revenue intelligence strategy:

  1. Define what the business wants to achieve
    The first step in developing a revenue intelligence strategy is to define what the business wants to achieve. This will help determine the kind of data needed to collect and how to use it to drive revenue growth.
  1. Identify the right data sources
    Next, it’s necessary to identify the right data sources. This includes both internal and external data sources. Internal data sources can include financial data, CRM data, and sales data. External data sources include market research reports, industry news, and social media data.
  1. Collect and analyze the data
    Once the right data sources have been identified, the next step is collecting, cleaning, and analyzing the data. This data will help revenue leaders understand their customers, competition, and industry. It will also help to identify trends and opportunities.
  1. Create revenue growth plans
    Once data has been collected and analyzed, it can be used to create revenue growth plans. This includes developing plans to increase sales, expand into new markets, and develop new products and services.
  1. Implement and track progress
    The final step is to implement growth plans and track progress. This will help ensure that the plans are working and that the organization is progressing toward its goals.

By following these steps, businesses can develop a revenue intelligence strategy that will help them drive growth and achieve their goals.

Industries That Use Revenue Intelligence

Revenue intelligence is used in various industries and businesses to make more informed pricing, product development, and marketing decisions. Here are a few examples of business sectors that use revenue intelligence:


Revenue intelligence is used in retail to help businesses make better pricing, promotions, and inventory decisions. By understanding how customers shop and what they are willing to pay, retailers can optimize their strategies to drive more sales and profits.

Revenue intelligence tools can help retailers track customer behavior across channels, understand how pricing changes impact demand and measure the ROI of marketing campaigns. By using revenue intelligence, retailers can make data-driven decisions to improve their top and bottom line.


In the manufacturing industry, revenue intelligence is used to track sales data, understand customer buying patterns, and identify opportunities for new product development. This information can help companies decide how to price their products, where to invest in marketing, and which products are most likely to be successful.

SaaS and Technology

In the technology industry, customer satisfaction and loyalty are paramount. Revenue intelligence is used by tech companies to better understand their customers and how they can improve their products and services. Revenue intelligence allows companies to track customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This data is used to make changes to products or services that will improve customer satisfaction and increase sales. Additionally, revenue intelligence can be used to identify new market opportunities and target customers that are more likely to convert.


Revenue intelligence helps hospitality companies collect customer data from all aspects of the business, including booking platforms, point-of-sale systems, and guest surveys. This data is then analyzed to identify trends and patterns. Hospitality businesses can use revenue intelligence to decide how to price their rooms, what promotions to offer, and how to deploy their staff.

Revenue Intelligence Software

Revenue intelligence software helps organizations track and optimize revenue and identify new growth opportunities. It collects data from various sources, such as financial reports, CRM systems, and sales data. This data is then analyzed to help identify trends and patterns that can be used to improve performance.

Revenue intelligence software can track various factors that impact revenue, such as customer behavior, product sales, and marketing campaigns. This information can improve decision-making and optimize processes across the organization.

Revenue intelligence software typically includes CRM and CPQ integration, data visualization, and predictive analytics. These features allow organizations to get a complete picture of their sales data and make better decisions about how to grow their business.

The revenue operations and intelligence (RO&I) market is growing as organizations continue to digitally transform their sales operations. VC funding in the revenue intelligence sector nearly tripled from $321 million in 2020 to $952M in 2021. Businesses seek revenue intelligence software to help them drive sales consistency, continuously improve business processes, and refine their go-to-market strategies. 

People Also Ask

What data is included in revenue intelligence?

Revenue intelligence typically includes data on sales, customers, pricing, and market trends. This data can come from various sources, including internal company data, public data, and third-party data providers.

1. Sales data may include the number of sales made, the value of each sale, the type of product or service sold, and the geographical region where each sale took place.

2. Customer data may include information on customer demographics, customer preferences, and customer buying patterns.

3. Pricing data may include current prices, historical prices, price trends, and competitor pricing.

4. Market trend data may include industry, macroeconomic, and microeconomic trends.

What is a revenue intelligence platform?

A revenue intelligence platform helps businesses make better decisions by providing real-time data and insights into their sales pipeline and revenue streams.

Revenue intelligence platforms also provide a way for companies to track their customer’s journey from first contact to sale. This allows businesses to see which deals are most likely to close, the average deal size, and where their sales team needs more help.

What is a sales intelligence tool?

Sales intelligence tools help sales with sales analysis. These tools can track customer behavior, identify sales opportunities, and measure sales performance.

Sales intelligence tools can also help sales teams manage their contacts and pipeline.