Pricing Guidance

What Is Pricing Guidance?

Pricing guidance in CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) software is a feature that aids sales teams in determining the optimal pricing for their products or services based on historical quote data, product costs, and other factors. It helps sales teams make data-driven pricing decisions by providing real-time recommendations and automating pricing adjustments based on predefined rules and algorithms. This CPQ feature is valuable for companies looking to ensure consistency in pricing, maximize profitability, and provide competitive quotes to customers.


  • Deal guidance
  • Pricing guidance in CPQ
  • Pricing guidance tool

Benefits of Pricing Guidance in Quoting

Pricing guidance integrated into the quoting process offers many advantages for businesses and their sales teams.

Pricing Consistency and Efficiency

Pricing guidance ensures pricing consistency across all quotes and transactions, upholding the company’s pricing strategy and avoiding inconsistencies that could impact profitability. This consistency is crucial for establishing trust and predictability in customer interactions. Moreover, pricing guidance provides real-time recommendations, enabling sales representatives to offer competitive prices while reducing the risk of human error. Streamlining the quoting process enhances overall efficiency, allowing sales teams to generate quotes swiftly.

Optimal Pricing Decisions

Pricing guidance also helps optimize product pricing decisions by considering production and materials costs, competition, customer segments, and profit margins. This data-driven approach enhances pricing decisions that can lead to increased revenue and profitability. Additionally, it offers improved margin management, identifying opportunities to raise prices when justifiable and applying discounts strategically when necessary, thus striking the right balance between competitiveness and profitability. By leveraging historical data and analytics, pricing guidance empowers businesses to make pricing decisions based on past sales trends, customer behavior, and evolving market dynamics.

Improved Revenue Growth

Finally, the integration of pricing guidance in the quoting process benefits businesses in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Competitive and well-considered pricing can enhance customer satisfaction, potentially leading to repeat business and fostering long-term relationships. It also serves as a risk mitigation strategy, preventing sales teams from offering prices that are either too low, which can negatively impact profitability, or too high, which may result in lost opportunities.

Overall, pricing guidance in quoting streamlines and optimizes the pricing process, contributing to revenue growth, risk reduction, and enhanced customer relationships.

How Pricing Guidance in CPQ Works

Here’s how pricing guidance works in CPQ software:

Price Rules and Algorithms: CPQ software allows sales operations to set up pricing rules and algorithms based on various factors. These factors can include product costs, competitive pricing, profit margins, customer segments, and more. Conditions can be defined that trigger specific pricing adjustments.

Real-time Pricing Recommendations: As salespeople configure products and services within a quote, the pricing guidance feature provides real-time recommendations for the price. It takes into account the pricing rules and algorithms previously configured. This capability helps the sales team ensure that the prices offered to customers are competitive and align with the company’s pricing strategy.

Discount Management: Pricing guidance also helps manage discounts. It can recommend appropriate discounts or incentives based on specific conditions, such as order volume, customer history, or the competitive landscape. This helps sales representatives strike the right balance between offering competitive pricing and maintaining profitability.

Price Optimization: Pricing guidance aims to optimize pricing to maximize revenue and profitability. It helps identify opportunities to increase prices and offer discounts when necessary to close deals.

Approval Workflow: The system can be integrated with an approval workflow. If a sales rep needs to offer a price outside the standard guidelines, the system can route the request for approval to the appropriate authority.

Data Analytics: Pricing guidance leverages historical data and analytics to make more informed pricing decisions. It can consider past sales data, pricing strategies, and customer behavior to improve future pricing recommendations.

Configurable: The pricing guidance feature is typically configurable to align with a company’s unique pricing strategy and business rules. This adaptability allows organizations to fine-tune pricing guidance to meet their specific needs.

How to Implement Pricing Guidance in the Quoting Process

A systematic approach is crucial when implementing pricing guidance in the quoting process. Firstly, the company should evaluate its existing pricing strategy, identifying key factors influencing pricing decisions like product costs, profit margins, competitive positioning, and customer segments. Understanding these fundamentals provides a solid foundation.

Next, the sales operations team should select a CPQ software solution that supports pricing guidance. Ensuring compatibility with existing systems and seamless integration into sales processes is essential. Following CPQ implementation the pricing team should collaborate with sales to define pricing rules and algorithms within the CPQ system. These rules should reflect the pricing strategy and conditions that trigger specific pricing adjustments, such as discounts, markups, or special offers.

Configuring the CPQ software to provide real-time pricing recommendations during the quote configuration process is the next step. It should incorporate the established rules and algorithms based on real-time data and market dynamics. Historical data and analytics should also be integrated to enhance pricing guidance by analyzing past sales trends, customer behavior, and competitive pricing.

Customization is vital to align the pricing guidance feature with the company’s unique needs, ensuring it adheres to the specific pricing strategy and guidelines. Integrating approval workflows within the CPQ software is critical to managing pricing requests falling outside standard guidelines, ensuring proper review and approval before offering prices to customers.

Training the sales team thoroughly on using the CPQ software with pricing guidance is essential. They should understand the logic behind pricing recommendations and how to handle exceptions. Before full implementation, comprehensive testing is necessary to identify and rectify any issues and refine the rules and algorithms to meet objectives.

The gradual rollout of pricing guidance to sales teams should be closely monitored for its impact and user feedback. Companies should commit to continuous improvement, regularly reviewing and updating pricing guidance strategies to adapt to changing market conditions, customer behavior, and business goals. This process allows companies to implement pricing guidance in their CPQ process, resulting in improved pricing consistency, optimized profitability, and competitive quoting.

People Also Ask

Why is CPQ important?

CPQ is vital for businesses across various industries because it streamlines and enhances the sales process. First and foremost, CPQ is crucial for maintaining pricing consistency. Companies offer diverse product and service configurations, and CPQ ensures sales representatives generate accurate and consistent quotes. By automating the configuration process, CPQ minimizes human errors, helping businesses avoid costly mistakes in pricing and configuration and upholding trust and credibility in customer relationships.

Another essential aspect of CPQ’s importance lies in its capacity to optimize pricing strategies. With CPQ, businesses can incorporate pricing guidance and rules based on product costs, profit margins, competitive positioning, and market dynamics. This empowers sales teams to make data-driven pricing decisions, maximizing revenue and profitability. CPQ can also manage discounts effectively, suggesting when and how to apply them to meet sales goals without sacrificing profitability.

Moreover, CPQ significantly boosts quoting efficiency. It simplifies and accelerates the quoting process, enabling sales representatives to generate quotes swiftly and with minimal effort. This, in turn, allows sales teams to focus more on customer engagement and relationship-building, ultimately leading to better customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, the integration of approval workflows ensures that pricing outside standard guidelines is reviewed and approved by the relevant authority, which adds an extra layer of control and compliance to the sales process.

In a competitive business landscape, where time-to-quote and responsiveness are critical, CPQ is indispensable in maintaining a competitive edge. Overall, CPQ’s importance lies in its ability to improve pricing consistency, maximize profits, enhance efficiency, and drive customer satisfaction, all of which are pivotal for business success and growth.

How does pricing guidance help determine discounts?

Pricing guidance plays a crucial role in helping businesses determine discounts effectively. It ensures that discounts are applied strategically and in a data-driven manner. Here’s how pricing guidance assists in determining discounts:

Data Analysis: Pricing guidance leverages historical data and analytics to analyze past sales trends and customer behavior. It identifies patterns, such as which customers respond positively to discounts and under what conditions. By examining this data, businesses can decide when and where to apply discounts.

Pricing Rules and Algorithms: Companies can define pricing rules and algorithms within the pricing guidance system based on product costs, profit margins, competitive positioning, and customer segments. When specific conditions are met, such as a large order volume or a particular customer type, the system triggers the application of discounts based on the predefined rules.

Real-time Recommendations: The system provides real-time recommendations as sales representatives configure quotes using CPQ software with pricing guidance. The system will suggest applying the appropriate discount if the configured quote meets specific criteria, ensuring that discounts are applied consistently and transparently during the quoting process.

Profitability Considerations: Pricing guidance also takes profitability into account. It helps businesses balance offering discounts to close deals and maintaining profitability. The system can recommend discounts that align with the desired profit margins, preventing excessive or unsustainable discounts that could hurt the bottom line.