
Dreamforce is a yearly four-day event hosted by Salesforce. It takes place in San Francisco, California and is one of the biggest technology events in the world. Dreamforce brings together leaders and members of the Salesforce community from all over the world to learn, share ideas, and collaborate on making an impact in their respective industries.

First held in 2003 as a way to help customers and stakeholders get more out of the Salesforce product, Dreamforce has since grown into an international event attended by more than 180,000 attendees.

Over the years, Dreamforce has evolved to include more than just Salesforce-specific content. It now features keynote speakers, musical performances, and a range of sessions covering topics like marketing, customer service, and technology trends. Additionally, Dreamforce has expanded its reach beyond the physical event, offering virtual experiences for those unable to attend in person.

It is a great opportunity for customers, partners, and employees of Salesforce to come together to learn about the latest trends and advancements in technology, participate in philanthropy, and share insights and successes in their respective industries.

What is Dreamforce?

Dreamforce is an annual global event organized by Salesforce, one of the world’s leading customer relationship management (CRM) software providers.

The event brings together professionals from different industries and roles to explore the latest trends and innovations in the world of business technology, with a particular focus on CRM and cloud computing.

Dreamforce is attended by a diverse audience, including business leaders, sales and marketing professionals, IT administrators, developers, and partners.

The event offers a wide range of sessions, keynote speeches, workshops, and networking opportunities, providing attendees with an immersive and interactive experience.

As a premier event in the sales world, Dreamforce is an important platform for companies to showcase their latest products and services, connect with potential clients, and learn from industry experts.

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in the world of business technology, as well as networking opportunities with like-minded professionals from around the globe.

When and where is Dreamforce?

Dreamforce 2023 official dates: September 12-14, 2023

Each year, Dreamforce is held in San Francisco, California—the city in which Salesforce is headquartered. The event usually takes place in the fall, though dates vary from year to year.

In 2020, Dreamforce was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic before being brought back as an in-person conference for 2021. In the years following, it has also been made available online via Salesforce+, the virtual component of Dreamforce.

The event is held at the Moscone Center (also referred to as the “Dreamforce campus”) with additional activities at venues across the city.

Who goes to Dreamforce?

Since Salesforce is such a ubiquitous company with a worldwide presence and multiple use cases, it also attracts attendees from multiple different backgrounds.

Dreamforce attendees come from a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, and more.

Called “Trailblazers,” members of the Salesforce community represent companies of all sizes, from small startups to large multinational corporations. The event is known for its inclusive atmosphere, and attendees come from around the world to learn, share ideas, and connect with their peers in the industry.

1. Business Leaders

CEOs, CFOs, and other top executives attend Dreamforce to learn about the latest trends and innovations in business technology. They often use the event to network with other leaders and gain insights that will help them drive their organizations forward.

For leaders and high-level executives, Dreamforce is also an opportunity to represent the company as a whole, gain visibility in the marketplace, and build relationships with potential customers and partners.

In many cases, business leaders are also featured keynote speakers if they have a particularly exciting success story to share.

2. Sales and Marketing Professionals

For salespeople and marketers who use Salesforce, Dreamforce is the perfect opportunity to learn about the latest CRM and cloud technologies, hear from industry experts, and get hands-on experience with new products and services.

The event also offers a unique platform for sales teams to connect with potential customers, build relationships, and start the process that eventually results in deal closure.

By learning about new technology and innovations in customer relationship management, sellers and marketers can also use Dreamforce as an opportunity to learn new soft skills and gain unique knowledge that helps them perform better at their daily jobs.

3. IT Administrators and Developers

Salesforce has its own app development platform and thousands of internal development, implementation, and IT professionals who help manage customers’ cloud platforms. And the global Salesforce services market is worth $32.59 billion, making it an essential platform for developers and IT administrators.

Dreamforce is the perfect place to hear from experts in the fields of cloud computing and enterprise software development, get hands-on experience with emerging technologies, and meet other professionals who manage Salesforce-based applications.

4. Salesforce Partners

Salesforce partners, such as consultants, system integrators, and independent software vendors, attend Dreamforce to learn about the latest products and services in Salesforce’s product library.

Examples of Salesforce partners include:

  • Salesforce consultants: IT consultants and third-party agencies that provide Salesforce implementation and customization services.
  • System integrators: Companies that specialize in integrating Salesforce into a customer’s overall technology stack.
  • Independent software vendors (ISVs): Companies that build custom applications and services on top of the Salesforce platform.

They attend sessions and workshops to gain new skills, network with their peers, and explore potential partnership opportunities. This can help them increase their sales and strengthen relationships with existing customers.

Partners are also occasionally offered the opportunity to showcase their solutions at the event, allowing them to gain visibility and grow their customer base.

5. Third-Party Company Representatives

Companies that sell software that integrates with, works closely in conjunction with, or is loosely related to Salesforce also attend Dreamforce. This includes companies that provide enterprise data management solutions, analytics platforms, marketing automation software, and more.

These third-party companies use the event to meet with existing customers, demo their products and services, find new customers, and even recruit top talent for their teams.

6. Salesforce Employees

Just as Dreamforce is an opportunity for customers, partners and third-party companies to learn more about Salesforce, it’s also a great learning experience for the company’s own employees.

At Dreamforce, they get to network with their peers, meet customers in person, attend product training sessions and pitch ideas to executives. They can also learn best practices from the experts and develop their professional skills.

What’s on the agenda at Dreamforce? What can you expect?

In total, Dreamforce comprises over 1,000 different sessions, activities, and events that cater to various interests, industries, and job roles. The specific events that any individual will attend depend on their interests, job role, and reason for being there.

Here are some of the highlights of what attendees can expect:

Keynote Speeches

Dreamforce typically features keynote speeches from Salesforce executives and guest speakers. These speeches offer insights into the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in business technology.

Notable past keynote speakers include:

  • Will Smith – Actor and Musician
  • Ola Källenius – CEO of Mercedes-Benz
  • Arianna Huffington – Founder & CEO, Thrive Global
  • Matthew McConaughey – Actor
  • Bono – Lead Vocalist of U2, social justice activist
  • Arianna Huffington – Founder & CEO, Thrive Global
  • Ginni Rometty – Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer- IBM
  • Barack Obama – 44th President of the United States

Keynote speakers tackle topics like digital transformation, customer experience, industry disruption, and more.

Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions are smaller, more intimate sessions focusing on specific topics or areas of interest.

Attendees can choose to attend sessions on areas such as:

  • Sales & Service Automation
  • Business Transformation
  • Data Analytics & AI
  • Design Thinking
  • Product Design
  • Cloud Computing
  • Digital Transformation
  • Security & Governance

These sessions are delivered by Salesforce experts, partners, and customers. They provide insights into best practices, product demonstrations, and case studies.

Lightning Talks & Hands-On Workshops

Dreamforce also offers lightning talks and hands-on workshops, which offer attendees the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques in a hands-on, interactive environment.

These workshops cover topics like coding, app development, and marketing automation. They offer attendees the chance to work with experts and gain practical experience.

Increasingly, Salesforce has also hosted many seminars and workshops around the “future of work” and how technology is changing the way we work and live.

For example:

  • Remote Work & Productivity
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Digital Transformation
  • Cultural Competence

As the global workforce and consumer landscape continues to prioritize these topics, Salesforce establishes itself as an innovator in more than just software.

Product Demos and Exhibitions

Dreamforce also features an exhibition hall where attendees can explore the latest products and services offered by Salesforce and its partners. Attendees can interact with product experts, attend live demos, and explore the latest innovations in business technology.

Examples of product demos include:

The exhibition hall is a great way to learn more about Salesforce’s products and see how they can be used to help businesses become more efficient, productive, and profitable.

Networking Events

One of Dreamforce attendees’ favorite aspects of the event is its networking opportunities, including happy hours, meet-and-greets, and networking sessions. These events offer attendees the opportunity to connect with other professionals, share ideas, and build relationships that can benefit their careers or businesses.

Through these networking events, attendees can get the most out of Dreamforce, as many great business opportunities have been born from relationships forged at this event.

Networking events are hosted at multiple locations across the city, including on-premises and outside venues.

Dos and Don’ts at Dreamforce

Attending a large event like Dreamforce can be overwhelming, so it’s important to know what to expect and how to make the most of your time.

Here’s a comprehensive overview of tips to ensure you get the most out of your time in San Francisco.

Packing Tips

  • Dress business casual. Aside from the Salesforce Foundation Gala (which is a black-tie event), Dreamforce is a business casual event. Attendees should pack comfortable but professional-looking clothing.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Although you will be able to sit at many conferences, speeches, and seminars, Dreamforce is an all-day event involving a lot of walking and standing, so comfortable shoes are a must. Make sure to bring shoes that are broken in and won’t cause blisters.
  • Pack layers. In fall, San Francisco begins to cool off. Pack clothing that you can layer to keep warm, but also be able to remove when necessary.
  • Bring a backpack or tote. Laptops, tablets, and other necessities should be carried in a tote or backpack that you can easily access during the event.
  • Carry a water bottle with you. Staying hydrated is essential, so make sure to bring a bottle with you that you can refill throughout the day.
  • Don’t forget your business cards. You will be meeting a lot of new people, and a business card (digital or physical) can help you stay connected.
  • Consider a portable charger. If your phone or laptop runs out of battery during the event, a portable charger could save you from not being able to access it.

Travel Tips

  • Book accommodation early. Hotels get booked quickly, especially around the time Dreamforce is hosted. Each year, Salesforce releases an official hotel list attendees can reference when booking accommodation.
  • Public transportation is easy. Downtown San Francisco is serviced by the BART, MUNI, and Caltrain systems. These make it easy to get around without having to worry about traffic or parking. Consider purchasing a pass to save money.
  • Uber is a pricier alternative to public transportation. Uber is also straightforward to use, albeit at a much higher cost (especially during an event).
  • Be prepared for crowds. Dreamforce is one of the biggest events in San Francisco, and you should be prepared for large crowds at various venues. Plan ahead and consider arriving early to ensure you get a seat or spot in line.
  • Get the Dreamforce app. The Salesforce Events app can be a valuable resource for attendees, providing up-to-date information on the schedule, sessions, and events. Make sure to download the app before you go.

Preparation Tips for a Virtual Experience

If you’re attending Dreamforce virtually, here are some preparation tips to help you make the most of your experience:

  • Test your technology ahead of time. Make sure your internet connection is stable and your computer or device is capable of handling the virtual event platform. Test your camera, microphone, and speakers to ensure they are working properly.
  • Create a schedule. Review the schedule and plan out which sessions you want to attend. Make sure to schedule breaks and meals to avoid burnout.
  • Set up a comfortable workstation. Create a comfortable workspace with a comfortable chair, good lighting, and minimal distractions. Make sure you have a clear view of your computer screen and the virtual event platform.
  • Download materials in advance. Download any materials or resources provided by the event organizers, so you can easily access them during the event.
  • Participate in the virtual community. Many virtual events offer opportunities to network and connect with other attendees through chat features or online forums. Participate in these communities to make connections and learn from other attendees.
  • Take breaks. It’s important to take breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout and maintain your focus. Step away from your computer and move around, get some fresh air, or take a power nap.

Session Bookings Tips

With hundreds of sessions to choose from, it can be challenging to decide which ones to attend at Dreamforce. Here are some session booking tips to help you make the most of your time:

  • Prioritize your interests. Review the session schedule in advance and prioritize the sessions that are most relevant to your interests, job role, and industry. If you are attending on behalf of your company, upper management may already have this itinerary chosen.
  • Consider the speakers. Look for sessions featuring speakers who are experts in their field or have valuable insights to share. Check their credentials and experience to see if they align with your interests and goals.
  • Don’t overbook. While it’s tempting to fill your schedule with back-to-back sessions, it’s important to leave some time for breaks and networking. Allow some buffer time between sessions to avoid feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. And remember that each session may require thirty minutes to an hour to travel to.
  • Check for repeats. Some sessions may be repeated or offered at different times, so make sure to check the schedule for any duplicate sessions that you may have missed.
  • Be flexible. Keep an open mind and be flexible with your schedule. If a session is full, consider attending a similar session or exploring the exhibition hall instead.
  • Don’t miss the keynotes. Dreamforce keynotes are typically high-profile events featuring industry leaders and guest speakers. Make sure to attend at least one keynote to get a big-picture view of the latest trends and innovations in business technology.


  • RSVP early. Many parties and networking events require an RSVP in advance, so make sure to RSVP early to secure your spot.
  • Bring business cards. Networking events and parties are a great opportunity to meet new people, so make sure to bring plenty of business cards to exchange with other attendees.
  • Dress appropriately. Make sure to dress appropriately for the party or networking event you plan to attend. Some events may have specific dress codes, so check in advance.
  • Be respectful. While parties are a fun way to connect with others, it’s important to be respectful of other attendees and their boundaries. Avoid inappropriate behavior or language that could make others feel uncomfortable.
  • Network strategically. Focus on building meaningful relationships that can benefit your career or business.

Networking Tips at Dreamforce

  • Be prepared to talk. Have an elevator pitch ready so you can clearly articulate who you are and what you do. It’s also helpful to have business cards with your contact information on hand.
  • Research the attendees. Find out who is attending Dreamforce and research their business or organization beforehand. This will make it easier to start conversations and give you a better understanding of their needs.
  • Set goals for yourself. Think about what kind of connections you want to make at Dreamforce and set realistic goals for yourself. Whether you want to find new leads, grow your network, or learn something new, having goals will help you stay focused and on track.
  • Be approachable. Smile and make eye contact when talking to people. Speak confidently and be open minded to different ideas and perspectives.
  • Follow up. After the event is over, reach out to the contacts you made at Dreamforce and continue to nurture those relationships.

Where can I learn more about Dreamforce?

There are many resources available to help attendees learn more about Dreamforce, including:

  • Official Website: The official Dreamforce website is a great place to start, providing information on the schedule, speakers, and registration. Sign up here and be the first to learn about Dreamforce updates.
  • Social Media: Follow Dreamforce on social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for the latest updates, announcements, and news.
  • Dreamforce App: Download the Salesforce Events app for iOS or Android to access the latest schedule, session details, maps, and the ability to connect with other attendees.
  • Trailhead: Trailhead is Salesforce’s online learning platform, offering a range of free courses and resources on Salesforce products and solutions. Close to the event, the company posts specific Trail Maps for various attendee types.

Success Stories at Dreamforce

Dreamforce has a proven track record of helping companies and individuals achieve success. Here are some examples of companies that have showcased their success at the event:

  • Unilever: Unilever used Dreamforce to showcase its sustainability efforts, including a commitment to using renewable energy and reducing plastic waste. The company also announced a partnership with Salesforce to improve its customer engagement.
  • T-Mobile: In 2017, Dreamforce hosted Nick Drake, T-Mobile’s EVP of Marketing and Experience to describe how the company uses Salesforce to create a seamless customer experience while ensuring internal operational efficiency.
  • Dropbox: Dropbox CEO Drew Houston and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff discussed the “busy work” epidemic at Dreamforce 2018. Here, Houston announced the company’s new collaboration features and showcased how Dropbox is making it easier for people to work together from anywhere.

How to Register for Dreamforce, 2023?

Registration and pricing information for Dreamforce 2023 will likely open closer to the event date, so keep an eye on the official Dreamforce website for updates.

When registration opens, follow these steps to register for the event:

  1. Go to the Dreamforce website and click on the “Register” button.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your personal and professional information, including your name, job title, and company.
  3. Select the registration package that best fits your needs. There may be different packages available, depending on your job role, industry, or level of access.
  4. Review the pricing and payment options.
  5. Consider any discounts or promotions that may be available.
  6. Complete your registration and submit payment.
  7. Receive your confirmation and badge.

People Also Ask

Do Salesforce employees go to Dreamforce?

Thousands of Salesforce employees attend Dreamforce each year, including sales reps, marketers, IT professionals, developers, human resources professionals, customer success reps, business leaders. Employees typically participate in sessions, networking events, and other activities as part of their registration package.

How much does it cost to go to Dreamforce?

Pricing for Dreamforce 2023 will be released closer to the event date. Salesforce+ is accessible from anywhere with a free membership. Those who signed up early for Dreamforce 2022 registration saved nearly $700 off the regular price. Early bird prices began at $1,299, while most tickets were priced at $1,999.

What if I can’t make it to Dreamforce in person?

A free subscription to Salesforce+ allows users access to select Dreamforce virtual content and programming from anywhere. Salesforce+ includes access to live-streamed sessions, a library of on-demand learning resources, interactive networking events, and more.

What is the dress code for Dreamforce?

Business casual: Make sure to check with your employer or team if you have any questions about the dress code, as it may vary depending on the company and role.

Who plans Dreamforce?

Since 2009, Salesforce has partnered with George P. Johnson, an experienced marketing agency, to plan and execute Dreamforce. The two companies come together annually to create a unique experience for attendees, complete with inspiring keynotes, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and more.

What are the COVID requirements for Dreamforce?

In the years following the COVID-19 pandemic, attendees were required to provide proof of vaccination and adhere to additional health, safety, and security standards. In future years, attendees will be required to review the latest health and safety guidelines prior to attending Dreamforce.

Where to stay for Dreamforce?

Each year, Salesforce releases an official list of partner hotels for Dreamforce. Many attendees also choose to stay in Airbnb rentals or book their own accommodation. For those looking to save, there are also options for budget-friendly lodging in the area.