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Zensai’s Journey to Operational Excellence with DealHub

Zensai, a leading talent management platform, is dedicated to helping organizations foster unparalleled learning, growth, and engagement among their employees. Recognizing the need for a more efficient and integrated approach to managing their sales and customer success operations, Zensai partnered with DealHub. This collaboration has since transformed Zensai’s processes and empowered their teams to achieve new levels of efficiency and success.

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Transforming a Manual Sales Process

Before implementing DealHub, Zensai encountered significant challenges with their sales process. “We were getting these customers in who we knew sales was taking notes about, but it wasn’t always making it to our customer success team,” recalls Amie Weizer. The lack of seamless information transfer often led to inefficiencies and data loss, hindering Zensai’s ability to serve their customers effectively.

To address these issues, Zensai needed a solution that could automate and streamline their sales processes. “It wasn’t going to be just another thing on the sales plate to do to ask more questions and leave more documentation,” says Amie. Zensai sought a system that could ensure accurate and efficient data capture, freeing up their sales teams to focus on what mattered most – building strong customer relationships.

Key Operational Needs

Zensai’s specific requirements were crucial in selecting a suitable solution. They needed a platform that could address several key areas to improve their operations.

Integration with Existing Tech Stack

Zensai required a solution that could seamlessly integrate with their existing CRM, Microsoft Dynamics 365. DealHub provided this capability, ensuring a smooth flow of information and data across platforms. According to Amie, DealHub’s CPQ “allows our sellers to really only focus on what matters.” The integration greatly reduces manual data entry for their customer-facing teams.”

Automated Data Capture

A significant requirement for Zensai was automating the capture of essential customer data like invoicing address and invoicing contacts. DealHub’s automation capabilities meet this requirement by allowing the customer to input this data as opposed to their sales team. “This feature gives Zensai the ability to collect accurate data and get paid faster”, says Amie.

Streamlined Quoting Process

Zensai needed to simplify and accelerate their quoting process. Before DealHub, generating quotes was manual and time-consuming. “Our sellers needed to create a single opportunity in CRM with a single product on it which lead to inefficiency” says Amie. With DealHub, Zensai’s sales team can generate quotes with multiple products and variations of a single opportunity and multiple products on it.

Enhanced Order Processing

Ensuring that quotes matched invoices and reducing order processing time was another key requirement. DealHub’s seamless order processing integrated all necessary data, eliminating many delays and errors. “The beauty of it is that our sales team rarely goes back into CRM after they’ve started the quoting process because everything is handled in DealHub,” Amie notes. Their implementation allows a signed quote to automatically close an opportunity because the data flow is seamless and accurate

Onboarding and Implementation Experience

Zensai’s onboarding experience with DealHub was exceptional, thanks to the dedicated support from DealHub’s customer success team. “I’m very lucky with the implementation team I got at DealHub,” Amie reflects. The collaboration with their Customer Success Manager (CSM) and Solution Architect was crucial in aligning Zensai’s diverse regional practices under a unified process.

The first new logos implementation took approximately four to five months, during which Zensai established a solid foundation and tailored the solution to fit their unique needs. As to be expected, “Zensai is working on a version two new logos  implementation that takes their lessons learned from phase one and improves their guided selling over time”, Amie says.

Quick Wins and Lasting Impact

DealHub rapidly transformed Zensai’s sales operations, streamlining processes and enhancing overall efficiency:

Reduced Quote Creation Time

The implementation of DealHub significantly reduced the time required to create and process quotes, from many hours to mere minutes. This efficiency gain has improved sales team productivity and enabled faster response times to customer needs. Amie recalls the first seller who told her, “You helped me get a quote sent, signed, and processed in under three hours.” Amie finds joy in the Dealhub guided selling feature because “it really streamlines how they quote and price”.

CPQ for Microsoft Dynamics

DealHub’s seamless integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ensured a smooth flow of information across platforms, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring data consistency. 

“While it took time to define our internal mapping, it was a very worthwhile exercise that is saving us countless hours on order processing and data controls”, Amie notes. This integration has streamlined Zensai’s sales operations, making them more efficient and reliable.

Eliminated Manual Processes

By automating data capture and order processing, DealHub reduced the manual tasks that previously burdened Zensai’s sales teams. This allowed the team to focus on more critical aspects of their work. ” Our sellers really only focus on what matters,” says Amie, reflecting on the newfound efficiency and accuracy in their sales operations.

Improved Operational Governance

DealHub improved Zensai’s operational governance by streamlining deal approval processes. “We no longer have to have up to 48 hours of review on every single deal to make sure everything is in place as it should be.”, Amie explains. Amie continues, “We made many friends in finance and accounting by having reliable data in our systems.” The automation and integrated processes have significantly reduced administrative delays and enhanced operational efficiency.

Enhanced User Experience

Feedback from Zensai’s sales teams and change champions has been mostly positive. While citing that “change management for new tool adoption is something to take very carefully”, Amie is regularly receiving positive feedback about the Dealroom from her teammates and buyers for its ease-of-use.

Change Management and Flexibility

Balanced Flexibility and Guardrails

Managing the balance between necessary restrictions and giving the sales team flexibility was critical for Zensai. “It’s an incredibly challenging thing to do regardless of the tool because what you need is alignment and buy-in,” Amie explains. Through the implementation of DealHub, Zensai picked champions from each region to ensure understanding and feedback loops. This alignment helped enforce decisions while maintaining the flexibility needed by the sales teams.

Adaptability to Market Changes

DealHub enabled Zensai to quickly adapt to external changes in pricing, packaging, and go-to-market strategies. “What I appreciate about DealHub is giving us a pricing source of truth,” says Amie. 

Previously, each region had its own source of truth, but DealHub standardized this while allowing necessary adjustments. “We now have indexes for various industries and discounts, making it easy to maintain standards while being flexible,” Amie notes. The guided selling feature in DealHub ensures that the sales team knows which fields they can edit, providing clear guardrails and flexibility.

Steadfast Support and Future Plans

Exceptional Customer Support

Zensai has benefited from DealHub’s exceptional customer support. Quick turnaround times and reliable assistance have ensured that any issues are promptly addressed, allowing Zensai to maintain smooth operations and focus on their core business objectives. Amie praised the implementation team, “Shout out to Noah and Sav, who helped us so far along the way in getting that done.”

Strategic Value and Future Plans

Looking ahead, Zensai is excited about the continued value that DealHub will bring to their strategic go-to-market initiatives. DealHub’s flexibility and adaptability have enabled Zensai to respond quickly to market changes and pricing strategies.

Zensai is also exploring the potential of DealHub’s API endpoints to further enhance their pricing and quoting capabilities with a pricing calculator. “I’m super excited about the potential of things with DealHub,” says Amie. This future development will enable Zensai to build advanced pricing tools that integrate seamlessly with their existing systems so they maintain their pricing source of truth.

A Transformed Sales Process

Zensai’s partnership with DealHub will continue to transform their sales and operational processes, as they deploy the tool for their renewals and expansions”, says Amie. The ongoing support from DealHub’s customer success team continues to be invaluable helping to understand how others are handling these things as Zensai navigates their growth journey. 

With DealHub, Zensai is poised to achieve new heights of success, delivering unparalleled value to their customers and setting new standards in operational excellence.