Special Pricing Agreement

What is a Special Pricing Agreement?

A special pricing agreement (SPA) is a commercial arrangement between a supplier and a buyer, where the supplier agrees to sell products or services at a price that differs from the standard or list price.

This agreement is common in B2B manufacturing, and it’s often made to secure a large or strategically important order, foster a long-term relationship, or enter a new market.

Here’s a breakdown of the key characteristics of an SPA:

  • Volume commitment — Most of the time, SPAs are tied to a commitment from the buyer to purchase a certain volume of goods or services. This guarantees business for the supplier and justifies the discounted pricing.
  • Negotiated terms — These include the price, payment terms, delivery schedules, and other conditions (much like a normal agreement).
  • Duration — SPAs are typically time-bound. The period can range from a few months to several years, depending on the agreement.
  • Customization — Each SPA is unique and tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the parties involved. It reflects the buyer’s purchasing power and the supplier’s willingness to offer discounts in exchange for certain benefits, like bulk orders or market exposure.
  • Confidentiality — The nature of SPAs requires them to be confidential. They may contain competitive prices neither party wants to be publicly known.
  • Legal compliance — Antitrust laws that prevent price-fixing and other unfair trade practices may apply to SPAs, so drafting them requires legal oversight.

In essence, SPAs are a tool for businesses to flexibly manage their sales and purchasing strategies. They allow them to adapt to market demands, strengthen business relationships, and optimize their pricing structure.


  • Special pricing
  • Special pricing collaboration
  • SPA

How Special Pricing Agreements Work

Like any other agreement, a special pricing agreement works through a process of negotiation and mutual agreement between a supplier and a buyer.

Here’s a broad overview of the process:

1. Identify the opportunity.

Either the buyer identifies a need for a large volume of products or services and seeks a better price, or the supplier recognizes an opportunity with a particular buyer (like a large corporation or a key player in a new market) and offers a discount to secure their business.

Generally, a sales rep has already qualified the potential buyer and knows a lot about their purchasing preferences and power. It’s from those sales conversations that they’ve identified the potential for a better deal (or realized they need to offer one).

Or, a high-value account may state their needs upfront, prompting the supplier to approach them with a competitive discount or price break.

In either instance, the opportunity is usually quite clear.

2. Negotiate the terms.

The two parties enter contract negotiation. The negotiation process involves discussions about the volume of goods or services, the specific pricing, the duration of the agreement, and any other terms and conditions.

Key considerations at this step include:

  • The buyer’s demand
  • Their purchasing power and price sensitivity
  • The supplier’s production capacity and costs
  • The competitive landscape
  • How important the sale is to the supplier
  • The buyer’s willingness to commit (to some minimum volume or other conditions)

3. Draft the agreement.

Once both parties agree, they’ll draft a formal SPA. This document outlines all the specifics:

  • The products or services included
  • The special contracted pricing
  • The minimum purchase requirements
  • The time frame of the agreement,
  • Penalties and clauses for non-compliance

The draft still requires approval because it may involve legal, finance, and other departments in both companies.

4. Review and approve the agreement.

Either someone from your legal team or a third-party legal counsel has to review the agreement to make sure it’s fair, compliant, and enforceable. If nobody has to make any changes and everyone agrees to the terms, both parties sign off on the final document.

5. Execute and monitor.

Once everything is in order, the supplier delivers products or services as per the SPA’s terms. From thereon, they’ll track purchases against commitments to ensure compliance and handle any disputes (if there happens to be any).

6. Renegotiate or terminate the contract.

As the end of the SPA term approaches, the parties may choose to renegotiate the terms for an extension or adjust the agreement based on new circumstances. If the SPA no longer serves their interests, they’ll terminate the relationship.

Use Cases for Special Pricing Agreements

Securing Large or Strategic Customers

Sometimes, one customer can mean a lot to a business. For instance, a large retailer may order products in such vast quantities that the supplier is willing to offer them at a lower price than their competition.

Certain customers also could create significant opportunities for the supplier, like expanding into a new market, which is why they’re willing to offer a special price for their goods or services.

In that sense, every company’s largest customers have some sort of special pricing agreement in place.

Building Strong Customer Relationships

These agreements can enhance loyalty among channel partners. When a distributor is offered a special price that only other supply partners can’t provide, it reduces (or eliminates) their incentive to switch to competitors. If you’re concerned about customers’ loyalty, that’s one way to reduce your churn rate.

This is especially crucial if one customer makes up a significant portion of your business. If you can’t afford to lose them, it’s probably a good idea to give them financial incentives to stick around.

Encouraging Larger Orders

It’s generally well-known that larger orders come with additional pricing flexibility. However, it’s not always easy to sell more, especially if you’re trying to break into a new market or build momentum for a new product.

That’s why suppliers will often try to incentivize larger orders by offering special pricing agreements that lower the per-unit cost. This approach aligns well with manufacturers because it allows them to achieve economies of scale and reduce per-unit costs.

Maintaining Competitiveness

If others offer a similar product to yours, they’re probably already offering special pricing to their highest-value customers. They may even offer volume discounts to companies that purchase a certain amount of products each year.

Sometimes, it’s worth it to sacrifice profit margins in favor of a larger market share. If competitors are already doing this, it’s hard to compete if you don’t offer similar agreements.

Moving Slow-Moving Inventory

Sometimes, suppliers offer special pricing agreements to get rid of excess inventory. This strategy is particularly effective for seasonal products or those that are difficult to sell without a significant discount.

It’s a win-win scenario because the supplier gets to clear up space and make some profit while the buyer gets a good deal. It also creates an opportunity for both parties to develop a more significant business relationship in the future.

Flexibility in Supply Chain Management

If one distribution channel is struggling to meet their quotas, suppliers can use special pricing agreements to incentivize purchases from another channel. This strategy helps balance out sales and keep the supply chain flowing smoothly.

For example, if an online retailer struggles to move products, the supplier may offer them a reduced price for a specific period in hopes of stimulating more sales. On the other hand, they may offer traditional retail stores a higher price to help balance out sales expectations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of SPAs

Benefits of Special Pricing Agreements

Perhaps the biggest advantage of special pricing agreements is that they create a win-win scenario for both parties. By offering discounts, suppliers secure larger orders while buyers enjoy cost savings.

Other benefits include:

  • Building stronger customer relationships
  • Encouraging loyalty among channel partners
  • Increasing customer retention rates
  • Expanding into new markets
  • Maintaining competitiveness against other suppliers

Challenges and Risks of Special Pricing Agreements

There are also challenges and risks associated with special pricing agreements, including:

  • Overpromising discounts. Suppliers may end up offering discounts that they can’t sustain in the long run, leading to financial losses.
  • Difficulty with compliance monitoring. Especially if the agreement involves multiple products or services, you may face difficulties tracking purchases against commitments accurately.
  • Limited flexibility. The long-term agreements characteristic of SPAs can become problematic if market conditions change or one party is unable to fulfill their commitments.
  • Potential for backlash. If your pricing info gets out, other customers may ask for similar deals or feel frustrated they’re paying the market price for the same product.

Best Practices for Managing Special Pricing Agreements

1. Tracking and Monitoring

To track purchase compliance, suppliers need to collect and analyze data from various sources, including:

  • Sales reports
  • Inventory levels
  • Previously negotiated deals
  • Customer purchase history

This data helps suppliers identify discrepancies between what customers should be purchasing and what they’re actually buying. Additionally, tracking purchases against commitments allows for dispute resolution when necessary.

2. Defining Expectations and Responsibilities

An essential aspect of managing special pricing agreements is clearly defining expectations and responsibilities for both parties. This includes:

  • Setting clear timelines for compliance monitoring and dispute resolution
  • Defining what constitutes a breach of the agreement
  • Clarifying the consequences for non-compliance or termination of the contract.

In those rules, include provisions for termination or exit strategies in case either party needs to end the SPA prematurely.

3. Negotiating a Special Pricing Agreement

Before entering a special pricing agreement, it’s crucial to negotiate and agree upon terms that are beneficial for both parties. You and the other party will have to:

  • First determine what you can afford (if you’re the supplier) or what you’re willing to pay (as the buyer).
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring success
  • Set targets and benchmarks for KPIs
  • Establish an escalation process in case of disputes or changes in market conditions.

Negotiation is somewhat subjective — some customers may demand significantly better terms than others, depending on their business needs. It’s up to you to decide what’s acceptable and judge the risks that come with it.

3. Reviewing and Updating Agreements

Any type of collaborative arrangement requires regular review and updates to ensure that it remains beneficial for both parties. If there are grounds for contract modification, it’s crucial to make changes that reflect market realities.

4. Legal Review

Every contract, including SPAs, should go through a thorough legal review to ensure both parties are protected, and all terms and conditions are correctly outlined. If you don’t have an in-house legal team, this means working with a third-party legal advisory to review and negotiate the contract terms.

5. Data Management

Collect and analyze data related to the performance of your SPA. This includes:

Monitoring and analyzing this data helps you identify trends, make adjustments to your pricing strategy, and improve the overall effectiveness of the agreement.

The most important consideration here is system integration. Your contract management software needs to integrate with your existing CRM and financial systems (ERP, billing). If it doesn’t, you’ll operate with partial or incomplete data, leading to inaccurate decisions and, more likely than not, contract noncompliance.

Technology for SPA Management

Contract Management Software

Contract management software streamlines the entire contract lifecycle, including SPA creation, negotiation, execution, and compliance monitoring. A good CMS should have the following features:

  • Contract templates for quick contract generation
  • A collaborative interface
  • Interactive contract builders
  • Automated workflows for faster approvals
  • Electronic signatures for efficient contract execution
  • Secure document storage
  • Data analytics capabilities to track performance

Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)

CPQ software helps suppliers create accurate quotes for customers based on predefined pricing rules. It streamlines the entire sales process and eliminates human error, making it easier to offer special pricing agreements.

Sometimes, contract management is built into CPQ (as is the case with DealHub). If that’s the case, you’ll be able to generate quotes and turn them into special agreements within the same platform.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM software helps manage customer relationships by tracking interactions, activities, and inquiries related to your SPA. It also provides insights into customer behavior and purchase history, allowing you to tailor your pricing strategy and special agreements to their specific needs.

People Also Ask

What is included in a special pricing agreement template?

A special pricing agreement template typically includes names and contact information of both parties, duration of the agreement, commitments from each party, pricing structure, including discounts and volume thresholds, termination clauses, and exit strategies.

What are special pricing examples?

Special pricing examples include volume discounts for customers purchasing large quantities of a product, rebates for customers who meet certain purchase targets, flat percentage or dollar amount discounts for specific customer segments (e.g., government agencies, non-profits), and negotiated pricing for long-term contracts.