Customers > Edgio

How Edgio Streamlined Lead-to-Cash with DealHub CPQ

As a globally scaled edge-enabled software solutions provider, Edgio was seeking a CPQ solution that would provide it with a competitive edge, as it continues to cater to enterprise and mid-marketing customers across the globe.

Edgio case study


Robust system to support business objectives 

Edgio uses HubSpot CRM and needed a CPQ solution that would integrate easily with the existing system. The team realized that generating quick and accurate quotes would keep them ahead of the competition. The complex pricing and various bundles required a scalable and robust solution that would empower sales professionals to generate quotes from within the CRM for a full and consolidated sales process and experience.

Fast implementation and flexible management

Edgio provides its customers with fast solutions, and therefore its prospective CPQ solution would have to be easy to use and quick to implement, without allocating the time and development resources necessary for that of a legacy CPQ. Edgio leadership realized that a code-heavy solution would be hard for the organization to implement, and for their sales people to use. The flexibility to make changes quickly and autonomously was key to them achieving a successful CPQ adoption.


Streamline lead-to-cash

Edgio harnessed DealHub’s Agile CPQ to optimize its lead-to-cash flow. The process was now streamlined and visible, so sales people can configure and price easily, and produce accurate quotes quickly. After quote generation, Edgio is able to handle the contract lifecycle management and deal review on the DealHub platform, making the process efficient and fluid.

Customized solution

As part of the set-up and implementation process, DealHub’s experts relied on their vast experience and know-how to build a customized solution, tailored to Edgio’s industry-specific scenarios and SKUs.

Fast implementation and adoption

The implementation of DealHub’s CPQ for Edgio was fast and simple. The solution is intuitive and easy to manage, so salespeople were quick to adopt it and appreciate its benefits. The implementation was supported by both DealHub and HubSpot for a smooth transformation.

Learnings & Benefits

Shorter deal process

Using DealHub’s Agile CPQ, Edgio is able to generate quotes more quickly and manage deals more efficiently. Along with speeding up sales cycles, DealHub CPQ enables the company to prioritize high-value deals and better manage its pipeline, contributing to high productivity and return. 

Legacy CPQ vs. Agile CPQ 

Edgio wanted to keep its competitive edge. The industry is going through a transformation as smart solutions, like Agile CPQ, are offering many new advantages, and helping innovative brands meet goals by supporting their evolving objectives. DealHub CPQ enables Edgio to manage complex product bundles including various services, software, and hardware. As it transforms to solution-selling, Edgio is empowered by DealHub CPQ’s agility to create an efficient process that drives the company’s success. 

Full support and domain expertise

Thanks to DealHub’s domain expertise and seamless integration with HubSpot, the setup and implementation process was short and efficient. Being at the cutting edge of technology for customers, Edgio wanted its own processes to match its technology and services. Receiving full support of the DealHub team throughout the journey has made a significant difference in the implementation and adoption of DealHub’s CPQ, while enabling ongoing business to run smoothly.