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Eliminate Sales Friction with a Powerful CPQ Solution for HubSpot

Despite the number of sales technologies out there – or perhaps as a result of it – the B2B sales process has become more complex than ever. Research indicates that today’s sales process takes roughly 22% longer than it did five years ago, and only 53% of sales reps are meeting or exceeding their quota. 

So how did we get to this point? One of the key factors behind a high-friction sales process is the complexity of pricing and product requirements. B2B deals are often composed of a multitude of products, services, and dependencies. And when teams are relying on tools that don’t communicate with one another, it becomes difficult for sales teams to do their job effectively and close deals smoothly. Such tools include things like their CRM, price and product books, Configure Price Quote software (CPQ), and more.

Your operations team may be doing a diligent job of managing and maintaining your Hubspot CRM. But there are certain sales processes that can be added, improved or automated within your HubSpot experience in order to reduce the administrative burden and better manage pricing and quoting processes.

By integrating a CPQ (Configure Price Quote) tool with your Hubspot CRM, your sales organization will improve efficiency and experience a more frictionless sales process. In this article, we address common points of friction experienced by sales teams, and reveal four ways DealHub’s HubSpot CPQ solution enables you to deliver one fluid sales motion

Common points of friction in the B2B sales process

According to one survey, 47% of sales reps do not report selling as their main activity during their workweek. With that number being so high, it’s important to understand what’s holding them back from spending more time actively selling. 

Some of the most common friction points faced by sales teams on a regular basis include:

1. Taking a long time to respond to customers. Sales reps should be able to generate proposals quickly and efficiently to respond to customer requests and needs. This helps to ensure there’s no loss in sales momentum and the opportunity for your buyer to go with the competition. 

2. Inefficient back-and-forth communication draw out the negotiation process and creates opportunities for miscommunication – which can prove costly. For example, it can be a tedious process for sales reps to follow-up with lengthy and complex email threads.

3. Tools that do not communicate with one other, which forces sales reps to shift between tools throughout the course of their work. This kind of context-switching reduces efficiency and productivity, and is a barrier to obtaining holistic sales insights.

4. Lengthy approval cycles on both the buyer and seller side. This can be a major source of friction for deals that are high in value, scope or complexity.

5. Lack of a strategic framework around pricing, products, and other sales processes, which makes it even more difficult for sales reps to sell. 

dealhub Hubspot cpq customer quote

Why HubSpot users experience sales friction

HubSpot is a robust CRM for sales professionals, but you may want tools that are purpose-built for certain functions. When these tools don’t communicate seamlessly with your CRM it causes issues and wastes time. By choosing the right tools and leveraging automation in your sales process, sales reps can save up to 5 hours every week

You can have the best of both worlds and get the most of your HubSpot investment. And by improving and automating certain processes you can provide your sales team with a frictionless sales process. 

How DealHub’s HubSpot CPQ solution enables frictionless selling

Integrating a CPQ tool with your HubSpot CRM helps organizations to continue using the tools they love while enhancing their capabilities so sales reps can become more efficient. We’ve put together four important DealHub HubSpot CPQ capabilities to help you achieve a frictionless selling process. 

4 ways DealHub CPQ enables frictionless selling with HubSpot CPQ solution

1. A sales playbook to guide reps through the quoting process 

Sales leaders can add guided questions using rule-based logic to ensure sales reps are making the best selling decisions possible, which helps to reduce administrative oversight. In addition, guided selling ensures consistency, speed, and fewer errors. Because sales reps must follow pricing strategies set by sales leaders they cannot discount customers out of predefined margins. 

2. Document generation to deliver sales proposals in less time

With DealHub, sales reps can generate specific documents in minutes. This includes pricing quotes, business proposals, order forms, contracts, and agreements (MSA, EULA, NDA, Terms, Privacy, etc.). Documents can be generated and populated based on pre-built templates, dynamic content, CRM-based integrated data, and information inputted during the guided-selling process.

DealHub automates the document generation process so sales reps can save time and effort, avoid costly errors, and send personalized and professionally branded documents in just a few clicks. This also has the benefit of standardizing documentation across their entire sales organization.

3. CRM synchronization to eliminate repetitive manual tasks

Sales teams spend a lot of time with manual data entry, such as coping over deal information, and product and pricing information. Not only is this time-consuming, but it helps sales reps avoid costly errors and inaccuracies that can slow deals down. Having real-time sync between your DealHub CPQ and HubSpot CRM ensures your CRM remains a single source of truth, with accurate and up-to-date information that is readily available to anyone within the organization.  

Research from our 2021 Benchmark Report for Revenue Leaders shows that sales teams using DealHub CPQ can create accurate quotes in just eight minutes. Additionally, 52% of SMB companies and 32% of enterprise organizations are able to send a proposal in less than 30 minutes when using DealHub’s CPQ.

4. Automated approval workflows to accelerate deal-closing

Approval is another key stage of the sales process where deals often get bogged down. With automated approval workflows, you can accelerate approvals, eliminate unnecessary back-and-forth communication, and shorten time to revenue.

How does it work? For each deal, you can easily configure a customized workflow that establishes who needs to provide approval, in what order, and at what stage of the deal. Approvals can happen in parallel, and documents will automatically be re-sent for approval if any revisions are made. This way, sales reps can achieve simultaneous approvals from different parties, automatically reroute approvals as necessary, and dramatically accelerate the deal-closing process.

Deliver one fluid sales motion with DealHub CPQ and HubSpot CRM

Sales teams using HubSpot need CPQ to spend more time selling and less time struggling with software and tools that do not connect well. By integrating your HubSpot CRM with DealHub CPQ, sales leaders can boost sales productivity, generate professional and branded proposals in minutes, create a thorough and robust product library, and have all their tools in one location. 

Using DealHub CPQ software with HubSpot CRM ensures your sales reps carry out each step in the quoting process according to a predefined sales strategy. This level of efficiency speeds up the sales cycle and eliminates laborious administrative processes so reps can focus on what they do best: selling. 

With DealHub CPQ, you can keep using the CRM platform you love, but with extra capabilities that help you go from quote to close in a fraction of the time. 

Learn how DealHub CPQ can work seamlessly with HubSpot CRM
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