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The quick and easy way to generate quotes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales is a powerful CRM offering a multitude of capabilities to consolidate customer information, optimize collaboration with other teams, and effectively manage existing and new opportunities. However, many Microsoft Dynamics users rely on inefficient manual processes to generate quotes and proposals. Although Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales does come with some quoting capabilities, it lacks the ability to send accurate, branded, professional sales proposals, and track buyer interaction with those quotes.

Generate accurate quotes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for sales

Manual sales processes lead to errors, time wasted, and money left on the table

Enhancing sales quotes efficiency

The ability to efficiently create reliable price quotes is crucial to accelerating sales cycles, impacting business growth, and creating a satisfactory customer experience. However, the process can involve numerous parameters and become a complex and time-consuming task. This is especially true when the sales quote involves an ensemble of components and variables whose costs depend on multiple considerations such as industry, product configuration, etc.

As a result, salespeople often find themselves manually computing prices and then using tools such as Excel or Word to issue a sales proposal. This not only makes the process tedious, but also leads to calculation errors, discrepancies in pricing and legal policies, inconsistency in how the organization’s brand is represented, and wasted time and effort on generating customized quotations.

In fact, according to Aberdeen Group, only 38% of companies are sending accurate price quotes, leaving significant revenue on the table.  

So how can organizations simplify the process and increase their speed and efficiency when generating quotes in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

3 ways to streamline the quoting process and increase sales efficiency

3 ways to streamline the quoting process and increase sales efficiency

1. Implement playbooks and guided selling

If you are reading this, you are probably using Excel or other manual templates to calculate and create your company’s price quotes. Sales playbooks are intuitive and configurable wizards that use “guided selling” to walk salespeople step-by-step through each customer engagement and content generation activity. These guided flows can be customized to every type of sales scenario, enabling salespeople to create personalized quotes within minutes effortlessly.

2. Employ digital proposals instead of Word, Excel, or manual templates

Digital proposals release sales teams from time-consuming manual entry when creating business proposals. The whole deal cycle can be managed and nurtured from one point of interaction instead of sending and tracking numerous files. This not only saves time and minimizes errors, it enables prospects to share proposals with their internal stakeholders with just a couple of clicks.

3. Use insights to optimize every stage of the deal

Getting real-time alerts on customer engagement allows salespeople to quickly identify buyer intent, track progress, and see which content is resonating. They can pinpoint friction areas, and quickly make changes to optimize the experience for customers and guide the deal forward quickly and more efficiently.

As organizations grow, the manual processes and templates that served them when they were small become difficult to scale, unmanageable, and time-consuming. I have worked with dozens of Sales Operations professionals, IT managers, and other Sales related capacities and one of the things that almost always surprises them is how easy it is to implement tools within Microsoft Dynamics 365 that automate processes and make quoting simple, easy and fast, leaving salespeople time for what they do best, sell.

DealHub CPQ helps MSD 365 users close bigger deals faster

One of the easiest tools to implement, and perhaps one of the most valuable is Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ). Automated quoting with DealHub CPQ enables Microsoft Dynamics 365 users to eliminate sales process inefficiencies and close larger deals. This is illustrated by the success BDR Thermea is experiencing using DealHub. For this enterprise company, DealHub implemented a dynamic sales playbook that streamlines the sales process for representatives, no matter how intricate the sales cycle is. By responding to a set of pre-configured questions, sales professionals can generate precise price quotes, eliminating the need for the back office’s assistance in creating quotes.

The native integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ensures real-time synchronization of customer data between the CPQ and the CRM. As sales reps progress through the sales playbook, quotes are automatically generated with customer data, accurate pricing, and valid product configurations, reducing manual input. Additionally, DealHub CPQ allows for zero-coding backend changes, enabling easy modifications without the reliance on coding by operations teams. Eliminating bottlenecks and simplifying implementation and maintenance has improved the scalability of BDR’s sales operations.

The implementation of DealHub has yielded notable results for BDR. Salespeople now operate more efficiently, with DealHub automating customized quotation documents, leading to increased compliance, fewer contract errors, and significant time savings. The sales team can independently produce accurate quotes within just two minutes, a substantial improvement from the previous four-hour manual process.

A major benefit to BDR is how DealHub CPQ has empowered its sales representatives to be self-sufficient in managing extensive product catalogs with thousands of SKUs. This self-sufficiency has not only increased the confidence of the operations team in the accuracy of deals sent to customers but has also reduced their dependency on external partners. BDR values DealHub CPQ for its user-friendly interface, support for large product catalogs, adherence to complex pricing rules, and the ability to update the product catalog swiftly, transforming a process that used to take weeks into a matter of minutes.

Read more about the easy way to generate quotes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for sales.

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Generate accurate quotes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for sales

The quick and easy way to generate quotes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales

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