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B2B Global Sellers of All Sizes Use CPQ as Growth Engine

How do industry leaders harness technology to power their growth? 

Gideon Thomas, DealHub’s CMO, shares his insight and experience on what leaders should consider as they seek tech solutions to drive growth.

Digital transformation speaks to harnessing technology to generate new business processes, or improve on existing ones. While B2C companies have a tighter finger on the pulse of customer expectations, and creating seamless digital customer experiences to meet them, B2B sales lag behind.

This delay comes at a cost. According to McKinsey, early adopters of sales automation consistently report increases in customer-facing time, higher customer satisfaction, efficiency improvements of 10-15%, and sales uplift potential of up to 10%. 

Looking at these numbers, sales leaders can clearly see that sticking to the old way of doing business is simply leaving money on the table. They also know that finding the right tool is challenging. CPQs have become an integral part of any sales organization. 

Here’s what innovative sales leader should consider when looking for the right one:

Fast to Implement and Easy to Use 

Asure Software provides Human Capital Management software to help SMBs scale their payroll and HR operations. Selling more than 500 products and serving over 80,000 diverse customers worldwide, the Asure Sales team needed extensive training of nearly a year just to learn the product catalog and provide accurate quotes. 

By using DealHub’s Agile CPQ, Asure saw an 85% reduction in sales team training and a 20% increase in sales productivity. Price quotes and product bundles are now 100% accurate and standardized across the organization, maximizing the revenue generated from each deal. Asure accomplished this after only six weeks of implementation and adoption.

“DealHub provides a wonderful tool that is both simple in use and easy in administration,” says Asure’s Sarah Fuqua. “It’s a robust tool supported by a wonderful team.”


Revenue Process Visibility

Blueshift is a SmartHub Customer Data Platform combining customer data, AI, and omnichannel orchestration. Blueshift Sales professionals generate as much as half of the company’s value. Their efficacy is crucial to growth.

Blueshift needed to improve the culture and productivity of its team, made even more complex because of the company’s hybrid work model. 

In addition, the Finance team at Blueshift was struggling to understand the status of deals, which disrupted its ability to forecast revenue, and delayed payment collection. 

Another issue was the lack of a single source of truth to monitor discount approval requests. This made it difficult to analyze trends and make informed decisions about individual discounts. 

Blueshift was using Salesforce CPQ, fully reliant on developer resources. Working with DealHub’s CPQ, Sales leaders can now track discounts and forecast win rates. Finance leaders can easily track deals and collect revenue, since data is automatically synced with Blueshift’s CRM. 

“Enforcing best sales practices through DealHub CPQ is priceless,” says Saro Zargarian of Blueshift. “We have elevated the buyer’s experience through earlier sales engagement, quick approval process, and accurate order forms.”

With DealHub’s Agile CPQ, Blueshift increased quote approval speed by 500%, and decreased sales team inquiries to Ops by 80%, with 100% faster implementation than other CPQ deployments.

Customer Experience and Retention

HR tech platform HiBob, empowers mid-sized businesses to create outstanding work experiences. HiBob struggled with manual processes and unclear workflows around renewals. 

HiBob implemented DealHub’s CPQ with subscription management. About-to-be renewed product line items are automatically created, and deal information is always current, and easy to find and modify. 

With DealHub’s dynamic playbooks, HiBob’s CS managers seize cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, generating ideal packages for individual customers. 

“Before DealHub, it would take at least 30 minutes to create a quote,” says Guy Snitovsky of HiBob. “Now it takes two minutes. The experience is simply incomparable.”

Discover DealHub’s CPQ and how it helps you create one fluid sales motion. Click here to learn more.



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