Ryan McDermott
Chief Technology Officer
Streamline approvals with DealHub: simplified processes, real-time visibility, and efficient delegation
Hey everybody, this is Ryan. I wanted to talk about tracking metrics, about your deals, about products that you’re quoting and how it can happen pretty seamlessly if you wire everything up correctly between DealHub and Salesforce. So I’ll talk through one prime example, which I know we probably all have a desire to solve for in the business. If you’re a business that operates on a ARR and everybody, we wants to know, Hey, what is the a ARR of a particular account, right? And so actually using DealHub line items, piping’em into Salesforce, and then just doing simple roll-ups and simple things in Salesforce, it’s very easy to do. So on this example of count, I’ve got the active ARR. I’ve also got the number of virtual servers, the active ARR, and the active amount of storage. And so I’m going to show you kind of how that data makes its way to Salesforce and show you how it’s all wired up.
So I’ve got an opportunity here. I’m just going to hit create quote. It’ll drop us into a simple quoting playbook, and I will show you where everything gets added. So let’s add virtual server. Let’s add some cloud storage. So we can add, call it seven servers and 200 gigabytes of storage. And so on the line level, we simply add a proposal attribute. If anybody has questions about that, please reach out to me, happy to help you walk you through it. But while this is a three-year deal, the net price for the storage is 600 bucks. The actual ACV is only 200. And so we see you’ve also got it at a summary level. So I’m going to submit the proposal. We can see it all kind of right back to Salesforce, and I can show you where it goes. Well, it’s updating, then we talk through how it flows.
There’s a very simple diagram, but on the left here we have DealHub. We have some attributes. You may have more or less attributes to find, but I’ve really highlighted the ARR. So the ARR flows from the attributes, the proposal attributes on the line item to the quote lines in Salesforce. Once those are synced, it goes to the opportunity products. You have an a ARR there. And then we have a process that runs when you close a opportunity, DealHub has a process that’ll run, that’ll create a subscription. If it’s a renewable item, it creates a subscription. So I just carry that ARR all the way to the subscription. And then we can just do account level rollups and say, Hey, if it’s currently a status of active subscription, then that should be part of the active a ARR. So I’m going to close the quote now and let me hit refresh here. We should see the opportunity update. We’ve got the amount here, 171,400. I piped in the ARR directly through a document parameter. And then if I dive into each one of these line items, we’ll see that there is actually an ARR value here, right? $200. So that is what I’m going to take into the subscription. So I’m going to close this and then we’ll go look at the subscriptions.
So I’ve gone to the account, and on the account there are related subscriptions that are created. So I’ve actually got some obviously that were active, that are driving those roll-ups. And then these new ones have gone depending. And so those have not started yet. A process would run overnight, it would activate them. I’m just gonna go ahead and run that process manually here so you can see it. So I can force it to run kind of on the fly. Run now. Let’s go back.
Let’s refresh this. We should see all the subscriptions for rolled to active. Sorry. Cool. They’re all active Now. My roll-ups on the account should have changed as well. So we saw the active a ARR jump, we saw the amount of storage jump. It’s really pretty simple like that. How have I seen other people solve for this in businesses? Seen crazy things like adding product names into opportunity names. And so it’d be pro tip video – virtual server or adding notes into the opportunity to try to capture it from the rep. So I mean, that gives you, at a high level, you can try to kind of parse it in reporting, but when you get it at the line item level, these are just super simple basics that are being passed along. What’s the net unit price? What’s the discount on the particular product? So you can see in a pipeline report instantly, like what products are being quoted, what’s the discount level? And this is all super easy to configure. You could capture a lot more detail around product, family levels, tax classes, and you can slice and dice the reports any way that you wanted to in Salesforce. So it’s that easy.