Predatory Pricing

What Is Predatory Pricing?

Predatory pricing is a controversial strategy where a firm deliberately sets prices below cost to eliminate competition. It’s a form of anti-competitive behavior, typically employed by a dominant player in the market to undercut rivals, eventually leading to higher prices once the competition is weakened or removed.

Unlike competitive pricing, where firms set prices based on market conditions and costs, predatory pricing is strategically unsustainable in the long term. It’s not about matching or slightly undercutting competitors but involves significant financial sacrifice to disrupt the market balance.


  • Loss leader pricing
  • Price dumping
  • Undercutting prices

How Predatory Pricing Works

The predatory pricing strategy is a practice where a company significantly lowers its prices to undermine competitors, particularly smaller or weaker ones. This approach isn’t about providing value to customers through competitive pricing but is a calculated move to eliminate rivals. The strategy is often unsustainable in the long term and is usually adopted by firms with considerable financial resources that can absorb short-term losses. The goal is to force competitors out of the market, after which the company can increase prices without the pressure of competition.

Predatory Pricing Examples

Throughout history, various industries have been subject to allegations of predatory pricing. The airline and telecommunications sectors, in particular, have seen notable instances due to their high fixed costs and competitive market structures. These cases often lead to legal challenges of predation and intense regulatory scrutiny, as they can significantly alter market dynamics and consumer choices.

In the airline industry, for instance, larger carriers have been accused of drastically cutting fares on specific routes to drive out smaller, budget airlines. Similarly, in telecommunications, dominant players have been known to reduce pricing to a point where smaller firms find it impossible to compete, threatening the diversity and health of the market.

A notable example is the case against American Airlines in the 1990s, where it was accused of slashing prices on certain routes to eliminate competition from smaller airlines. While American Airlines was acquitted of predatory pricing, a clear instance occurred in the case of Akzo Nobel NV v Commission of the European Communities (1991). In this case, the European Court of Justice upheld a ruling that Akzo, a Dutch chemical giant, had engaged in predatory pricing against a small British competitor, ECS.

Akzo had deliberately set prices for its organic peroxides lower than its production costs to force ECS out of the market. The court found that Akzo intended to reinforce its dominant market position by eliminating ECS as a competitor. This case became a significant reference in European competition law, demonstrating the European Union’s stance on aggressive market behaviors. It highlighted the willingness of regulatory bodies to intervene in cases where a company’s pricing strategies are aimed at undermining competition and monopolizing the market. This ruling is a clear example of predatory pricing being identified and penalized, emphasizing the legal and ethical boundaries of competitive pricing strategies.

Impact on Markets and Competition

Predatory pricing, while seemingly beneficial to consumers in the short term due to lower prices, can profoundly disrupt market dynamics in the long run. Initially, this strategy may appear as a boon for consumers, offering products or services at significantly reduced costs. However, this initial phase is often a precursor to a less competitive market.

Increased Market Share

As predatory pricing drives competitors, especially the smaller and financially vulnerable ones, out of the market, the predatory firm often gains an increased market share and potentially a monopoly or near-monopoly status. Once the competition is eliminated or significantly reduced, the predatory firm is typically free to raise prices. This shift can lead to monopolistic pricing, where the dominant firm sets prices higher than what would have been possible in a competitive environment.

Moreover, the long-term impact of predatory pricing extends to reduced innovation and quality. With fewer competitors in the market, the dominating firm faces less pressure to develop innovative products or maintain high quality standards. The lack of competition can lead to stagnation in the market, ultimately harming the consumers who initially benefited from the low prices.

Consequences for Small Businesses and New Entrants

For small businesses and new market entrants, predatory pricing represents a formidable barrier. These entities often lack the substantial financial reserves necessary to sustain operations during periods of artificially low prices set by dominant competitors. Unlike larger firms, small businesses typically operate with tighter budgets and lower economies of scale, making it challenging to compete in a market where prices are driven below cost.

The threat extends beyond immediate financial losses. The fear of predatory pricing can deter potential entrepreneurs and small businesses from entering markets dominated by large firms with a history of aggressive pricing strategies. This deterrent effect stifles innovation and diversity in the marketplace, as new entrants often bring novel ideas, services, or products.

Predatory Pricing vs. Other Pricing Strategies

Understanding the nuances between various pricing strategies is key in discerning competitive practices from potentially harmful ones.

Comparison with Penetration Pricing and Discounting

Penetration pricing and discounting are two strategies often compared with predatory pricing due to their aggressive nature. However, significant differences set them apart.

Penetration Pricing

Penetration pricing is a strategy used primarily by new entrants in a market or for launching new products. The objective is to set a low price point to quickly attract a large customer base and establish market share. Unlike predatory pricing, the focus here is on long-term sustainability and brand establishment rather than eliminating competitors. Prices under this strategy are often raised once a solid customer base is established, but the initial low pricing is not intended to be unsustainable or damaging to competitors.


Discounting involves temporarily reducing prices to attract customers, clear stock, or respond to short-term market conditions. Retailers and manufacturers commonly use this strategy for seasonal promotions or product life cycle management. Discounting differs from predatory pricing in that it is not aimed at undercutting competitors to drive them out of the market. It’s a standard market practice, used within the bounds of fair competition.

Understanding the Fine Line

The line between aggressive pricing strategies and predatory pricing is nuanced but crucial. Predatory pricing is defined by its intent, duration, and impact on the competitive landscape.


Predatory pricing is carried out with the intent to eliminate competition, not just to establish a market presence or respond to market trends. The goal is to create a market environment where the predatory firm can control prices without the challenge of competitors.


This strategy is typically sustained over a period long enough to affect competitors’ operations and force them out of the market. In contrast, discounting and penetration pricing are often short-term or strategically planned for a product’s lifecycle.

Impact on Competition

Predatory pricing seeks to reduce competition, leading to a monopolistic market. On the other hand, penetration pricing and discounting are competitive practices that do not inherently aim to diminish market competition.

While all three strategies involve aggressive pricing, predatory pricing stands out for its harmful intent, longer duration, and detrimental impact on market competition.

Countering Predatory Pricing

Developing effective counter-strategies is crucial for survival and growth in industries where predatory pricing is a potential threat. Some of these strategies are:

Emphasizing Differentiation

One of the most effective defenses against predatory pricing is for businesses to differentiate their products or services. This strategy involves developing unique features or qualities that set the product apart from competitors. A business can make price comparisons less relevant by offering something distinct and retaining customers who value these unique aspects. Differentiation can be based on quality, design, customer service, technology, or any other aspect that resonates with the target audience.

Focusing on Niche Markets

Targeting niche markets is another strategy to counteract predatory pricing. By focusing on specific segments of the market with specialized needs or preferences, businesses can create a loyal customer base that is less likely to be swayed by lower prices offered by competitors. Niche markets often value specialized products or services more than just competitive pricing and will pay for unique features.

Leveraging Customer Loyalty

Building and maintaining strong customer relationships is key to countering predatory pricing. Companies with a loyal customer base enjoy the support of customers who value their relationship with the brand. Loyalty can be fostered through excellent customer service, loyalty programs, consistent quality, and engagement with customers at a personal level.

Seeking Regulatory Intervention

In cases where predatory pricing is evident and damaging, seeking help from regulatory bodies is a viable option. Antitrust laws in many countries are designed to protect businesses and consumers from unfair market practices like predatory pricing. Reporting such practices and seeking intervention can help in individual cases and contribute to a healthier overall market environment.

Key Takeaways on Predatory Pricing

Predatory pricing is a complex and often contentious issue in the business world, with significant implications for markets, competition, and strategic planning. These implications are summarized below:

Market Distortion

Predatory pricing can distort market dynamics. Initially, it may lead to lower prices, but it risks reducing competition over time. This reduction in competition can result in higher prices and less innovation, ultimately harming consumers who initially benefit from lower prices.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Businesses engaging in predatory pricing practices risk legal repercussions and damage to their reputation. Anti-competitive behaviors are scrutinized under antitrust laws in many jurisdictions, and violations can lead to significant penalties and loss of consumer trust.

Impact on Small Businesses and Competition

Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to predatory pricing, as they often lack the financial resources to compete with larger firms engaging in below-cost pricing. This affects individual businesses and limits market diversity and consumer choice.

Strategic Considerations for Businesses

Companies should be aware of the risks of engaging in or being the target of predatory pricing. Building a sustainable competitive strategy that doesn’t rely solely on pricing is crucial. Some considerations:

Vigilance and Adaptation

Businesses must remain vigilant against predatory pricing practices in their markets. Adaptation strategies, such as focusing on niche markets, offering differentiated products, or building strong customer relationships, are essential for survival and growth.

Legal Recourse

Companies should be aware of their legal rights and options. In cases of suspected predatory pricing, seeking legal counsel and potentially engaging with regulatory authorities can be a prudent course of action.

Long-Term Focus

Focusing on long-term sustainability rather than short-term gains is crucial. This involves investing in innovation, quality, and customer service, which can provide a competitive edge that transcends price wars.

The implications of predatory pricing are far-reaching, affecting market health, legal landscapes, and business strategies. Companies must be aware of these impacts and consider strategic responses emphasizing differentiation, legal awareness, and a long-term perspective on market competition.

People Also Ask

How does predatory pricing affect consumer choice in the long run?

Predatory pricing can lead to monopolistic markets over time, reducing consumer choice significantly. With fewer competitors, dominant firms have less incentive to innovate or cater to diverse consumer needs, resulting in a narrower range of options and potentially higher prices.

Are there any industries particularly vulnerable to predatory pricing tactics?

Industries with high fixed and low variable costs, such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and utilities, are particularly vulnerable to predatory pricing. These sectors often require significant upfront investment, making smaller firms more susceptible to pricing pressures from larger, well-funded competitors.

How do regulatory bodies monitor and penalize predatory pricing?

Regulatory bodies utilize market analysis, pricing data, and complaints to monitor predatory pricing. They examine pricing strategies below cost, intent to eliminate competition, and market dominance. Penalties include fines, legal sanctions, and orders to alter business practices to ensure fair competition.