
Attribute-Based Pricing

What Is Attribute-Based Pricing?

Attribute-based pricing is a strategic approach in which prices vary based on specific product or service attributes. Unlike flat-rate or one-size-fits-all pricing, this method allows businesses to set prices based on factors such as quality, features, or usage. In Software As A Service (SaaS), attribute-based pricing can hinge on elements like user count, storage capacity, or additional functionalities. Setting prices based on product attributes offers flexibility and can align more closely with customer value perception and usage patterns.


  • Feature-based pricing
  • Ancillary pricing

Core Attributes in SaaS Pricing

Traditional pricing often involves a fixed price for a product or service regardless of its variations or how customers use it. SaaS companies often adopt a multifaceted approach to pricing strategy, leveraging various attributes to structure their offerings. Among the most common attributes are user count, storage space, access to premium features, and levels of customer support. These elements serve as critical differentiators in service packages.

User count, for instance, is a straightforward metric influencing pricing. SaaS providers may offer single-user licenses at a lower cost, while pricing for enterprise solutions with unlimited user access is significantly higher. Storage space is another important attribute, especially relevant in services such as cloud storage or data management platforms. Basic plans often include limited storage, with prices scaling up for larger storage capacities.

Access to premium features differentiates basic service plans from more advanced ones. A basic plan might include essential functionalities suitable for smaller businesses or individual users. In contrast, premium plans unlock advanced features like enhanced analytics, additional integration capabilities, or superior customization options, catering to the needs of larger organizations or power users.

Finally, the level of customer support provided can also be a pricing attribute in SaaS. Basic plans might offer standard support through email or help centers, while higher-tier plans could include 24/7 support, dedicated account managers, or on-site assistance.

Impact of These Attributes on SaaS Pricing Structures

These attributes significantly influence SaaS pricing models, allowing companies to create tailored solutions for diverse market segments. For instance, startups and small businesses may gravitate towards basic plans with fewer features, lower user counts, and standard support levels. These plans are budget-friendly and cover the integral needs of smaller operations.

On the other hand, large enterprises often require comprehensive solutions that include higher user counts, extensive storage, advanced features, and premium support. These organizations are willing to invest more in SaaS solutions that can scale according to their complex needs and provide robust support.

Examples of Attribute-Based Pricing

Real-world applications of attribute-based pricing in SaaS demonstrate its effectiveness and adaptability. For example, a cloud storage service provider might offer tiered pricing based on storage space. Users requiring minimal storage pay less, while heavy users who need extensive storage capabilities pay more.

Another example is a project management tool pricing its services based on the number of users or active projects. Small teams with fewer projects can opt for a more affordable plan, whereas large teams managing multiple projects simultaneously might choose a more expensive plan that accommodates their larger scale of operations.

Successful implementation of attribute-based pricing hinges on clear communication of value, offering flexibility, and ensuring scalability. SaaS providers must understand their customers’ needs and align their pricing attributes to these needs. The solution lies in striking a balance: the pricing model should be comprehensive enough to cover varied customer requirements while remaining simple and understandable to avoid overwhelming potential buyers. This approach not only aids in customer acquisition but also retention, as clients are more likely to continue using a service that scales seamlessly with their evolving needs.

The 5 Cs of Pricing in SaaS

The 5 Cs—Cost, Competition, Customers, Channel, and Communication—form the cornerstone of a successful attribute-based pricing strategy. Each element plays a critical role in shaping how a SaaS company prices its products and services.


The foundation of any pricing strategy is a thorough understanding of costs. For SaaS companies, this involves calculating the total cost of delivering each service attribute, including development, maintenance, and support costs. Accurate cost analysis ensures that the pricing covers expenses and generates a reasonable profit margin. This step is vital in ensuring long-term sustainability and the ability to invest in future enhancements.


Companies must continuously monitor how similar services are priced in the highly competitive SaaS market. This competitive intelligence helps position their offerings competitively while avoiding price wars that can erode value. Understanding the competition also includes analyzing how similar attributes are packaged and presented to potential customers.


A customer-centric approach to pricing involves understanding the target market’s needs, preferences, and willingness to pay for various attributes. Different customer segments might value specific features differently. For instance, a startup may prioritize cost-effectiveness, while a large enterprise might focus on scalability and support. Tailoring pricing strategies to meet these diverse needs can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The choice of distribution channels significantly influences pricing strategies. Direct sales, online platforms, and resellers each come with different cost structures and customer expectations. A SaaS provider might offer different pricing on direct sales compared to third-party platforms due to the varying costs of customer acquisition and support. Aligning pricing strategies with channel dynamics is needed to maximize reach and profitability.


Effectively communicating the value of each attribute is pivotal in justifying its price. Compelling communication about how each feature or service tier adds value helps customers understand what they are paying for. This builds trust and can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Building an Attribute-Based Model

Creating an effective attribute-based pricing model in the SaaS industry involves a series of strategic steps:

Steps to Develop an Effective Attribute-Based Pricing Model

  1. Identify Key Attributes: The first step is to pinpoint the product attributes that hold significant value for customers. These could range from user access levels and storage capacity to advanced functionalities.
  2. Determine Attribute Costs: Understanding the cost associated with providing each attribute is crucial. This includes direct costs like development and support and indirect expenses like software updates.
  3. Assess Market Demand and Competition: Analyzing the market demand for these attributes and how competitors price similar offerings is vital. This helps position the service competitively while ensuring it meets market standards.
  4. Design Pricing Tiers or Packages: Combining various attributes into coherent pricing tiers or packages forms the next step. These should cater to different customer segments, from basic needs to premium offerings.
  5. Test and Adjust: Once the model is in place, it’s important to test its effectiveness and adjust based on customer feedback and market response. This iterative process ensures the pricing remains relevant and competitive.

Balancing Simplicity and Customization

The primary challenge in an attribute-based model is striking the right balance between customization and simplicity. While customization allows for tailored solutions that meet diverse customer needs, simplicity ensures that the attribute pricing structure is easily understandable. Overly complex models can be a deterrent, leading to confusion and potential loss of customers. For example, a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management software might offer a basic plan with essential features like contact management and email integration, catering to small businesses. For larger enterprises, the same software could offer customizable modules for advanced analytics and marketing automation, allowing these clients to add features as needed. This approach makes the basic offering straightforward while providing the flexibility larger clients need. Therefore, it’s essential to design a model that is flexible enough to accommodate different user requirements but straightforward enough to be easily comprehensible. This balance is needed to attract and retain customers.

Sales Strategies in Attribute-Based Pricing

Incorporating an attribute-based pricing strategy into sales techniques is necessary for success in SaaS sales. Sales teams must deeply understand each attribute’s intrinsic value and how it benefits customers. Tailoring sales pitches to align with specific customer needs and demonstrating how various attributes cater to these needs is necessary. 

In an attribute-based pricing context, the following sales strategies are effective:

Segment-Specific Strategies

Develop strategies for different market segments. For small businesses, emphasize cost-efficiency and essential features. For larger enterprises, focus on scalability and advanced features.

Transparent Pricing Explanations

Ensure transparency in how pricing tiers are structured. Use tools like comparison charts to illustrate the differences between tiers and how each aligns with different business sizes or types.

Benefit-Centric Communication

Focus on communicating the benefits of each attribute. For example, if a tier offers advanced security features, explain how this can protect the client’s data and potentially save costs related to data breaches.

Feedback-Based Customization

Use customer feedback to refine sales pitches. If customers frequently question a particular pricing aspect, provide sales teams with clear explanations or additional training.

These approaches not only aid in closing sales but also foster trust and customer satisfaction by ensuring clients receive the value they expect for their investment.

Attribute-Based Pricing Challenges and Solutions

While attribute-based pricing offers numerous benefits, it also comes with challenges.

Common Challenges in Adopting Attribute-Based Pricing

Challenges include customer resistance to complex pricing structures, difficulty in determining the right attributes and price points, and potential billing and customer service complexities.

Solutions and Tools to Overcome These Hurdles

Employing pricing optimization tools is effective in addressing these challenges. These tools employ sophisticated pricing logic that can accurately set prices based on attribute values, market data, and customer behavior. Actively seeking and incorporating customer feedback is crucial to refining the pricing model, ensuring it aligns with customer expectations and needs. Investing in customer education about the pricing model’s structure and benefits enhances understanding, helping to mitigate resistance. Straightforward communication about pricing and its advantages are fundamental in making the attribute-based pricing model more accessible and acceptable to customers.

10 Steps to Implement Attribute-Based Pricing with CPQ

Some of the challenges of implementing attribute-based pricing can be alleviated by using CPQ software. CPQ, or Configure, Price, Quote, is a software solution that helps businesses automate and optimize the process of creating accurate and configured quotes for complex products or services. Implementing an attribute-based pricing model with CPQ involves associating pricing with specific product or service attributes. Here’s a general guide on how CPQ can be used for attribute-based pricing:

1. Define Attributes: Identify the key attributes that influence the pricing of your products or services. These attributes could include features, specifications, quantities, customization options, etc.

2. Configure Product Catalog: Set up your product catalog within the CPQ system, and associate the identified attributes with each product or service. Define the possible values or options for each attribute.

3. Define Pricing Rules: Establish pricing rules based on the attributes. Specify how each attribute affects the overall pricing. For example, the price may increase accordingly if a product has a higher capacity or additional features.

4. Create Pricing Matrices: Use pricing matrices to define the relationships between different attribute combinations and their corresponding prices. This allows for flexibility and customization in pricing based on various attribute scenarios.

5. Integration with CRM and ERP Systems: Integrate the CPQ system with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This ensures that data is consistent across the organization and that pricing aligns with other business processes.

6. Automation and Guided Selling: Leverage CPQ’s automation capabilities to streamline the quote generation process. Implement guided selling to assist sales reps in selecting the right attributes and configurations while ensuring accurate pricing.

7. Dynamic Pricing: Enable dynamic pricing adjustments based on real-time market conditions, demand, or other external factors. This ensures that your pricing strategy remains competitive and responsive.

8. Quote Approval Workflow: Implement a workflow for quote approvals to ensure that any deviations from standard pricing or special attribute configurations are reviewed and approved by the appropriate stakeholders.

9. Analytics and Reporting: Utilize analytics and reporting features within the CPQ system to gain insights into how different attribute combinations impact sales and profitability. Use this data to refine pricing strategies over time.

10. Continuous Optimization: Regularly review and optimize your attribute-based pricing model. Monitor market changes, customer preferences, and competitive landscape to make adjustments as needed.

By implementing these steps, businesses can use CPQ to efficiently manage attribute-based pricing, providing flexibility, accuracy, and customization in the quoting process.

People Also Ask

How does attribute-based pricing cater to diverse customer needs in SaaS?

Attribute-based pricing allows SaaS companies to offer tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of different customer segments, enhancing customer satisfaction and potentially increasing market share.

What are emerging trends in attribute-based pricing for SaaS products?

Emerging trends include more granular pricing models, increased use of AI for pricing optimization, and a greater focus on usage-based pricing.

How can SaaS companies optimize revenue while maintaining customer satisfaction with attribute-based pricing?

Optimizing revenue while maintaining customer satisfaction involves finding the right balance between pricing flexibility and simplicity, continuously analyzing market trends, and adapting to customer feedback.