Forrester B2B Summit

The genesis of the Forrester B2B Summit dates back to the early 2000s when it was launched as the Forrester SiriusDecisions Summit.

Initially, the event was focused on providing thought leadership and research-driven insights to the B2B community. Over the years, the summit has evolved to adapt to the changing market dynamics and technological innovations shaping the B2B landscape.

In response to the rapid expansion of the B2B market, the summit has broadened its scope and now operates under the name of its parent company, Forrester Research. This change reflects the event’s commitment to delivering a more comprehensive and global perspective on the B2B industry.

What was once a localized event that focused on North American markets has become a global platform that attracts professionals from all corners of the world.

Today, Forrester B2B Summit is held across three regions: North America, APAC, and EMEA. The North American summit is scheduled in Austin from June 5-7, 2023. The APAC summit is set for September 19-20 in Singapore, while the EMEA summit will occur on October 10-11 in London.

All these events offer both in-person and digital participation options, catering to the diverse preferences of attendees.

What is Forrester B2B Summit?

The Forrester B2B Summit is a prestigious event that brings together sales, marketing, and product professionals from around the globe to share insights, strategies, and best practices for driving B2B growth.

Its primary focus is to help these leaders:

  • Overcome strategic and operational challenges
  • Align their initiatives with ever-changing business goals
  • Create customer-centric strategies for consistent, scalable growth

The summit offers a combination of expert-led sessions, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, providing attendees with actionable insights and tools to advance their go-to-market strategies and accelerate innovation.

By attending the Forrester B2B Summit, participants can expect to benefit in the following key areas:

  • Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy: Attendees will learn from Forrester analysts about the micro- and macroeconomic segments they need to prioritize to win market share.
  • Accelerating Innovation: The summit facilitates the convergence of marketing, sales, and product teams, fostering collaboration and innovation centered around buyer value. 
  • Revenue Generation: Forrester B2B Summit will provide a six-step framework for aligning marketing, product, and sales efforts around revenue goals and customer obsession. 
  • Preserving Brand Value in Tough Times: The event will teach attendees how to maintain their brand values even when faced with external threats and disruptions. 
  • Surviving Future Years With Martech: Attendees will explore innovative ways to leverage marketing technology to optimize resources, drive efficiency, and achieve better results with limited budgets.

When and where is Forrester B2B Summit?

The Forrester B2B Summit is held across three regions, catering to the unique needs and challenges of sales, marketing, and product professionals in North America, APAC, and EMEA. Each event offers both in-person and digital participation options, accommodating attendees’ diverse preferences and ensuring as many participants as possible.

Forrester B2B Summit In-Person Event

  • North America (NA): The B2B Summit North America is set to take place in Austin, Texas, from June 5-7, 2023. It will be held at the Austin Convention Center downtown, featuring modern facilities, comfortable accommodations, and ample networking spaces for attendees to connect and collaborate.
  • Asia-Pacific (APAC): The B2B Summit APAC is scheduled for September 19-20, 2023, in Singapore. It will be hosted at a prestigious venue, boasting top-notch facilities and an impressive setting that combines the vibrancy of Singapore with its rich cultural heritage.
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA): The B2B Summit EMEA will occur in London on October 10-11, 2023. It will be held at a renowned conference center in the heart of the city, providing easy access to London’s historic landmarks, cultural attractions, and business districts.

Forrester B2B Summit Digital Experience

In addition to the in-person events, Forrester B2B Summit offers a digital experience for those who prefer remote participation or cannot attend in person. 

Although many events are specifically for in-person attendees, the digital option provides access to live-streamed sessions, interactive Q&A sessions with Forrester analysts, and virtual networking opportunities. 

This format ensures attendees benefit from the valuable insights and strategies presented at the summit, regardless of location or circumstances.

Who goes to Forrester B2B Summit?

Forrester B2B Summit attracts a diverse range of attendees and speakers looking for insights, strategies, and connections that will help them succeed in the ever-changing world of B2B operations.

The event is designed to cater to the unique needs and challenges of the following groups of people:

Enterprise B2B Executives

These attendees include C-suite executives and senior leaders from large B2B organizations responsible for setting the strategic direction and driving growth for their companies.

They attend the summit to gain insights into the latest trends, best practices, and innovative strategies to help them maintain a competitive edge and achieve their business objectives.

Startup Founders

Startup founders in the B2B space attend the summit to learn from successful entrepreneurs, seasoned executives, and industry experts. They aim to gain insights into scaling their businesses, overcoming challenges, and staying ahead of the competition.

The event provides them valuable networking opportunities and access to potential investors, partners, and mentors.

Sales Professionals

Sales professionals, including sales managers, account executives, and business development representatives, attend the Forrester B2B Summit to hone their skills, learn about the latest sales methodologies, and discover innovative tools and technologies to help them meet and exceed their targets.

After multiple keynote speeches and 100+ sessions, they leave with practical advice and actionable insights to improve their sales performance and drive revenue growth.

B2B Marketers

B2B marketing professionals, such as marketing managers, content strategists, and digital marketers, attend the event to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in the B2B marketing landscape.

They attend Forrester B2B Summit to share and gain insights into how they can create more effective campaigns, better engage with their target audience, and measure their marketing success.

Product Leaders

Product leaders, including product managers, product marketers, and product developers, attend the Forrester B2B Summit to learn about the latest trends, tools, and methodologies in product development and management. They aim to discover how they can create customer-centric products, align their product strategies with business objectives, and drive innovation in their organizations.

Forrester Researchers, Analysts, and Executives

Forrester’s own researchers, analysts, and executives are integral to the B2B Summit. They attend the event to share their knowledge, expertise, and latest research findings with attendees.

Comprising 90% of the total speakers and guests, they also participate in panel discussions, keynote presentations, and workshops, offering valuable insights and guidance to help B2B professionals think ahead in the worlds of business and technology.

What’s on the agenda at Forrester B2B Summit? What can you expect?

The Forrester B2B Summit offers a comprehensive and engaging agenda featuring various sessions and activities tailored to the needs of B2B professionals.

Attendees can expect a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions, breakout sessions, networking events, and more, providing an immersive and interactive learning experience.

Forrester B2B Summit Agenda

The event’s agenda includes:

  • Bold Start Pre-Event Day: This pre-event kickoff includes multiple micro-sessions, roundtable discussions, and a poolside welcoming session to help attendees prepare for the summit.
  • Keynote Speeches: Renowned industry leaders, Forrester analysts, and top executives deliver inspiring and thought-provoking keynotes that set the tone for the event and provide valuable insights into the current state and future of the B2B landscape. See the full list of speakers here.
  • Breakout and Case Study Sessions: These sessions delve deeper into specific topics, trends, and challenges, offering practical advice and real-world examples from successful B2B organizations. Attendees can choose from 100+ sessions based on their interests and business objectives.
  • Forrester Certification Workshops: Interactive workshops led by Forrester analysts allow attendees to earn industry-recognized certifications in sales enablement, marketing performance, data and analytics, and customer engagement.
  • Analyst-Led Meetups: Informal, small-group sessions provide attendees with the chance to interact directly with Forrester analysts, ask questions, and engage in open discussions on specific topics.
  • ForrWomen Leadership Forum: Taking place at the beginning of the summit, this dedicated forum aims to empower and inspire female B2B professionals by addressing the unique challenges they face and sharing success stories from women leaders in the industry.
  • B2B ROI Awards: The B2B Return on Integration Honors celebrates businesses that have significantly improved performance by aligning their sales, marketing, and product teams. This prestigious recognition is granted to only a select few organizations each year.
  • POY Awards: The B2B Program of the Year (POY) Award honors exceptional accomplishments in sales, marketing, and product functions. These awards acknowledge the implementation of research, frameworks, and best practices that have led to remarkable improvements in functional performance.

Click here for the full North America agenda.

Forrester B2B Summit Topics of Discussion

During the breakout sessions and keynote speeches, you can expect topics in the following areas:

  • Core models for collaboration and direction. Learn from Forrester analysts about essential frameworks that can enhance teamwork and provide clear guidance for your teams to achieve better results.
  • Advanced GTM strategy and insights. Get up to speed on the latest go-to-market strategies, including pricing and segmentation tactics, personalization techniques, and more.
  • Become a change catalyst with courage, clarity, conviction, and creativity. Discover how anyone can drive meaningful organizational change by adopting a proactive and innovative mindset.
  • Driving organizational effectiveness. Explore strategies for optimizing customer engagement, operational excellence, strategic planning, and execution to boost overall organizational performance.
  • Marketing enablement, purpose, and localization. Gain insights into activating teams, creating forward momentum, and aligning marketing efforts with local market needs.
  • CX quality, data centers of excellence, and B2B analytics. Learn about the impact of customer experience quality on loyalty, the true role of data in the modern organization, and the role of analytics in B2B decision-making.
  • Research, models, and frameworks. Stay updated with the latest research, models, and frameworks that can help shape your B2B strategies and drive success.
  • Digital landscape and revenue tech stack. Dive into data unification, customer data platforms, marketing data and insights, and building a comprehensive revenue tech stack for your organization.

Dos & Don’ts at Forrester B2B Summit

Attending the Forrester B2B Summit is an enriching and rewarding experience if you plan ahead and follow some best practices.

In this section, we’ll provide practical tips and advice to help you make the most of your time at the event, whether you’re attending in person or virtually.

Packing Tips

  • Dress professionally but comfortably, as the event will consist of long days filled with sessions and networking opportunities.
  • Prepare for the heat—Austin gets very hot in the summertime, with temperatures passing 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Bring business cards for easy and effective networking.
  • Pack a portable phone and laptop charger to ensure you don’t run out of battery during the event.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Travel Tips

  • Book your flights and accommodation well in advance to secure the best rates and availability.
  • Familiarize yourself with the event venue and surrounding area before your arrival.
  • Like all big cities, traffic can be an issue—particularly during an event with thousands of people. Avoid renting a car and take Uber instead.
  • Allow for extra travel time to avoid being late for sessions or meetings.

Preparation Tips for a Virtual Experience

  • Ensure you have a reliable internet connection and a suitable device for attending the virtual sessions.
  • Test your video and audio setup before the event to avoid technical issues.
  • Create a comfortable and distraction-free environment for attending the virtual sessions.
  • Schedule breaks throughout the day to maintain focus and prevent burnout.

Session Booking Tips

  • Review the event agenda in advance to identify the sessions most relevant to your interests and goals.
  • Prioritize sessions led by industry experts, Forrester analysts, or successful B2B professionals.
  • Register for sessions early to secure your spot, as popular sessions may fill up quickly.
  • Don’t miss the keynote speeches. Each year, Forrester brings some of the best and brightest front-and-center to share their insights.
  • Don’t overbook your sessions—you’ll need enough time in between to network or walk from one space to the next.


  • Attend official networking events and parties to connect with fellow attendees in a more relaxed setting.
  • Use these social events as an opportunity to build relationships, share experiences, and learn from your peers.
  • Be respectful and professional in your interactions, as these events are still part of the summit experience.

Networking Tips at Forrester B2B Summit

  • Set clear networking goals before attending the event, such as meeting potential partners, clients, or mentors.
  • Be proactive and approach others for conversations, but also be a good listener and engage in meaningful discussions.
  • Follow up with new contacts after the event, thanking them for their time and expressing your interest in staying connected.
  • Leverage the event’s official app or social media platforms to connect with fellow attendees and share your experiences during the event.

Where can I learn more about Forrester B2B Summit?

You can learn more about Forrester B2B Summit by visiting one of the following resources:

  • Forrester B2B Summit Official Website: Get the latest updates and detailed information about the event, its agenda, speakers, sponsors, and more.
  • Social Media Channels: Follow Forrester on Twitter or LinkedIn for real-time news and updates from the summit.
  • Forrester Blog: The Forrester blog sometimes covers topics related to the event, from speaker profiles to takeaways from keynotes or sessions.

Success Stories at Forrester B2B Summit

Each year, Forrester B2B Summit provides a platform for industry professionals to share their success stories and learn from each other.

Here are a few recent stories of success from previous attendees:


Leading brands like Meta, SHRM, OpenText, and Infinite Electronics have leveraged Anteriad’s top-notch B2B marketing solutions, comprehensive ABM and demand generation platform, and exceptional data analytics to outpace competitors and engage more prospects.

At Forrester B2B Summit North America 2022, each brand highlighted how they achieved their goals through Anteriad’s solutions.

ArcBest, FARO, and Siemens

ArcBest, FARO Technologies, and Siemens Digital Industries Software earned the 2022 Return on Integration (ROI) Honors by successfully aligning marketing, sales, and product functions, achieving business goals, and delivering tangible results. 

At the event, they shared their transformation journeys and the application of Forrester’s research, models, and methodologies.


Hyland—a prominent content services and intelligent automation solutions provider—won the Forrester Program of the Year (PoY) award for effectively enhancing its Sales department’s performance.

Recognized at Forrester’s B2B Summit North America, Hyland used Forrester’s Cadence Optimization Framework and Sales Technology Assessment Tool to improve sales activity, pipeline generation efficiency, and showcase their low-code content services solutions.

Jerry Trudell, Director of the Revenue Generation Office at Hyland, emphasized that implementing Forrester’s best practices helped create scalable sales processes and playbooks, increasing opportunities, win rates, and deal values while shortening the sales cycle.

How to Register for Forrester B2B Summit, 2023

Registering for the Forrester B2B Summit 2023 is a straightforward process. By following these step-by-step instructions, you’ll secure your spot at this prestigious event:

  1. Visit the official Forrester B2B Summit website. Navigate to the section that gives you access to registration details and event information.
  2. Select your ticket type. Select the appropriate regional event (North America, APAC, or EMEA). Then, choose your ticket type (Standard or Team tickets).
  3. Make an account if you haven’t already. If you aren’t a client, customer, partner, or member of the Forrester community, you’ll need to create a free account.
  4. Complete the registration form. Fill out the required fields on the registration form, including your personal information, job title, company, and contact details.
  5. Review pricing and discounts. Before proceeding, review the pricing for the event, taking note of any early-bird or group discounts that may be available. Forrester also offers special rates for government, non-profit, or educational attendees, as well as clients.
  6. Select any additional options. If you qualify for special programs, such as workshops, networking events, or extra sessions, choose the ones you’d like to attend. Use this list to find them and see if you qualify.
  7. Submit your payment. Enter your payment information, including your credit card details, billing address, and applicable discounts. Be sure to review the refund and cancellation policies before submitting your payment.
  8. Confirm your registration. Once your payment has been processed, you should receive a confirmation email with your registration details, event schedule, and any additional information you’ll need to prepare for the event.

Remember to register early to secure the best rates and ensure your spot at the event. Be aware of any registration deadlines and keep an eye on the event website and email communications for important updates and announcements.

To help you prepare for the event, pricing is organized into different categories based on your relationship with Forrester and your organization type. The following pricing structure applies:

Standard Pricing

  • Client: $3,595
  • Non-Client: $3,795
  • Government/Non-Profit: $2,495

Team Discount Pricing

Take advantage of the team discount offer to maximize savings for your group. Receive 5 tickets for the price of 4 in one transaction, with no code required.

  • 5 Client Tickets: $14,380
  • 5 Non-Client Tickets: $15,180

People Also Ask

What happens during Forrester’s hybrid event?

Forrester’s hybrid B2B Summit North America offers a flexible experience, allowing attendees to participate in person, virtually, or through a combination of both formats.

All attendees can expect the following:

* Keynote speeches and insightful case studies that reveal insights and best practices for building a high-performance revenue engine (tailored to 13 unique roles).
* Special sessions focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to help companies foster a diverse and inclusive environment.
* On-demand sessions until May 1, 2024
* Guest keynotes for 90 days following, as permitted.

What happens during Forrester’s in-person experience?

For those attending the Forrester B2B Summit in Austin, a comprehensive in-person experience awaits from June 5-7, with extra pre-event content on Sunday, June 4. In-person attendees can access on-site and digital materials, sponsors, and activities.

The in-person experience includes:

* Personalized meetings with seasoned analysts to tackle your most pressing business issues.
* Interactive workshops and events led by Forrester analysts and experts, concentrating on addressing relevant topics for you and your colleagues.
* Exclusive sessions designed to help you apply the knowledge gained to your own organization.
* The chance to engage with top marketing, sales, and product technology vendors on the exhibition floor.

What happens during Forrester’s digital experience?

Attendees of the digital experience will have access to conferences, sponsors, and engaging experiences through a special portal.

The digital experience offers:

* On-demand access to all main Forrester content (e.g., keynotes and breakouts).
* Live streaming of selected sessions.
* Exclusive digital-only content.
* An online sponsor marketplace showcasing top marketing, sales, and product technology vendors.
* A digital sponsor marketplace offering resources and engagement opportunities.
* A guided tour of the platform to ensure ease in event navigation.
* Self-service networking, featuring attendee search capabilities.
* Digital access until May 1, 2024.

What are the requirements for the B2B ROI Honor Award?

To be considered for the B2B ROI Honor Award, your organization should showcase its successful implementation of frameworks, technology, and best practices that have significantly contributed to company growth.

The specific criteria for evaluation include:

* The organization must uniquely integrate sales, marketing, and/or product functions.
* The organization must have closely aligned sales, marketing, product, and/or customer experience objectives.
* The organization may have demonstrated advanced use of technology to support shared or interlocked processes.
* The organization must provide measurable results of its alignment efforts.

Award submissions are no longer open.

What are the requirements for the B2B Programs of the Year Award?

You should consider participating in the B2B Programs of the Year Award if your organization meets the following criteria:

* You have successfully implemented a modern, revenue-focused strategy, process, or initiative.
* You support your company’s strategy for customer obsession and prioritize customer and employee success.
* You have contributed to your company’s growth through effective practices, technology platforms, and partnerships.
* You are proud of your achievements and wish to showcase them to a wider audience.

By participating in the B2B Programs of the Year Award, you can refine your narrative, reinforce your strategy, and enhance your reputation. All participants can celebrate their teams’ accomplishments and further their success through this rewarding process.

Award submissions are no longer open.

What is the Executive Leadership Exchange?

The Executive Leadership Exchange (ELE) is an invite-only program for a select group of 100 C-level marketing and sales executives.

This program builds upon the thought leadership presented at the Forrester conference and establishes a private senior executive network focused on addressing leaders’ priorities.

Participants in the ELE can benefit from facilitated networking sessions that aim to share best practices aligned with executive priorities, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among top-tier professionals.

How can prospective attendees get approval from their companies?

Forrester has created a justification letter, which serves as a comprehensive resource for attendees to present to their supervisors or management, emphasizing the value and benefits of participating in the Forrester B2B Summit. This letter also includes a detailed breakdown of expenses.

Click here to download