Customers > BDR Thermea

BDR Thermea
Reduces Time to Quote

When your company has over 6,000 employees and extremely high sales volume, smooth sales processes are no longer a luxury – they’re mission-critical.

BDR case study

BDR Thermea, which operates within a highly competitive market, wanted to automate certain parts of their sales process so reps could respond to customers more quickly and close bigger deals faster.

In order to do so, they needed to adopt enterprise-ready technology that would integrate with their Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and whose backend was flexible enough to meet their evolving business needs. That’s where DealHub came in.

Sales dependence on the deal desk 

Prior to using DealHub, BDR didn’t have the technology or governance in place to empower sales reps to create quotes independently of other teams. Since reps needed to relay information to the operations and deal desk, it would take an average of 4 hours to generate and send a quote. Sometimes, if a particular person wasn’t available, it would take even longer.

Errors in proposals and contracts

In addition, BDR’s quoting system didn’t integrate with their CRM, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. This meant their sales team needed to manually copy over buyer and account names, along with other account details. A lack of CRM connectivity to their quoting system led to many mistakes and inaccuracies. This affected the professionalism of their sales documents, and forced colleagues to allocate their own time to verify that contracts were accurate – and of course, rectify errors.

Every change required coding

For just one of BDR’s brands, Remeha, the product catalog contains more than 1,000 items and each flagship product has more than 20 options – ranging from extra accessories to part substitutions. And this catalog continually evolves to serve the company’s growing global and eco-friendly customer base. 

Prior to using DealHub, in order to maintain this large catalog, the operations team would need to work with an external partner to make backend updates with code. For each modification, this partner demanded a thorough product specification document sheet – the creation of which was a strenuous and time-consuming activity for the admin team. Since every modification depended on two parties, the entire process was costly and wasted valuable time and resources. 

Multiple languages and a diverse customer base

BDR Thermea operates in more than 70 countries worldwide, and in some countries, like Belgium, the sales team must address customers in multiple languages. This not only complicates customer-facing roles, but also creates obstacles for back-office employees. 

In such a case, the operations team would need to customize a unique document template for each language – a tedious process made even more trivial by the fact that language was the only discrepancy, with all other factors being identical. 

Geography aside, they would also need to customize unique document templates for each customer type – such as installers, specifiers, building owners, engineering bureau, and residential owners. For the operations team, this was an ongoing challenge.

A dynamic sales playbook

DealHub’s dynamic sales playbook helps reps navigate sales cycles, whether simple or complex. All a sales rep needs to do is answer a select number of pre-configured questions, and based on those inputs, DealHub generates an accurate price quote. This enables administrators to enforce rule-based pricing logic, alleviating the need for the back office to help create quotes.

Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales

Thanks to DealHub’s integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365, customer data is synchronized between their CPQ and CRM in real time. As reps proceed through the sales playbook, sales proposals are automatically generated with customer data so reps no longer need to manually input it themselves. Meanwhile, their CRM automatically captures and stores all deal data, including closed contracts, so they have a single and up-to-date source of truth.

Zero coding to make backend changes 

BDR adopted DealHub CPQ, which doesn’t require operations teams to code backend configuration changes. Anyone with permission can make modifications without creating lengthy spec sheets or depending on other teams to make changes. This removes bottlenecks and makes implementation and maintenance much easier than with traditional CPQs. 

DealHub’s document templates are also flexible. This enables admins to modify templates so they don’t need to create a unique template for each use case or language.


Fast and accurate quoting

Sales reps are now more efficient with their time. Instead of them manually copying and pasting customer data for each deal, DealHub automatically enriches the generated document. This increases compliance ensures fewer contract errors and saves the rep time on every deal. Now, sales reps can independently generate accurate quotes within two minutes, instead of four hours.

Sales reps are now self-sufficient

DealHub CPQ empowers sales reps to be self-sufficient so they can easily handle product catalogs with thousands of SKUs. The operations team is now confident that every deal sent to potential customers is accurate, freeing them from working on every deal. Less dependence on multiple teams ensures that potential buyers get quotes in a timely fashion

Operations teams no longer depend on external partners

BDR chose DealHub CPQ because it’s simple for admins to use, and it supports their large product catalog along with its complex pricing rules. It was also important for the operations team to be able to update the product catalog quickly, and with DealHub, they can update the product catalog in minutes, instead of weeks

solution used

“With the Microsoft Dynamics integration, all customer information is synchronized automatically to sales contracts, ensuring accuracy and quicker quote turnaround.”

BDR avatar

Pascal Buyck,
Sales Support Officer & Material Master Data